I hand to make a "hand" bag!

I want a purse that looks like a hand!
I love the Beetlejiuce cartoons and on the Spooky Bootique episode Beelte Juice conjurs up a "hand" bag from the niether world and I want one of my own....the problem I have is I feel like if I make it out of fabric is's just gonna look like a glove...I even considered making it out of a gaint rubber hand but couldn't find one any were....I need help/advice/ideas?.?.?

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3 replies since 5th March 2011 • Last reply 5th March 2011

Surely you could find some halloween type hand thing online somewhere? Maybe a fancydress/joke store? There's always like joke hands that people pull out of someones sleeve going round somewhere! I think it would have to be a rubber-y type one as as you said a fabric one would probably look like a glove.

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Hey also check out spirithalloween.com its my go-to place for halloween decor! I bet they would have something you could modify to make into your purse. If you do end up being able to make one you should most deffinetly post it as a project. I'd love to see how it turnes out <3

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I'm sure I could make a small one out of the fake hands people hang out out trunks around halloween but I was really wanting one the size of a messenger bag...

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