Where could I get my hands on a Red Fox?

Ever since I was really little I've wanted a pet fox. I know that people have foxes as pets, I just haven't met anyone in person.
My problem is, is that I want a Red Fox as pet not a Finnic Fox. Even though they are the most common for pets.

Before anyone says, they are wild and wont' make good pets, I must say that I know they are wild. I have had wild pets before but I reallyyyy want a Red Fox. I've had pets all of my life so taking care of it and spending lots of time with it won't be an issue. I'm prepared to fox proof everything and such but I can't find one place that will even direct to a fox breeder!

I've tried to even locate fox fur farms Happy but I did research and most people say that even if you rescue baby foxes, that they grow up very paranoid and depressed... I'm willing to save a fox or two, but I can't locate one.

If anyone has any advice, I'd soo appreciate it!

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4 replies since 23rd February 2011 • Last reply 23rd February 2011

Ask any farmers you know if they've seen any foxes lately, and if so, where. Foxes in the wild are very timid and usually run from people when they're not even very close, so it might be very difficult to lure one in to tame.

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We have a family of foxes living in the woods opposite us. They come out and wander in our garden and around the grave yard next to us. They are very timid and run away when they notice people. If you have never heard the noise a frightened fox makes it will shock you. They wail like a baby in distress and it's very loud. The foxes near us will come to about 5 or 6 feet away, which is considered very close.

They need their own area to ramble in so unless you have lots of space think again. I love seeing them in their own environment as they like to play hide and seek in the undergrowth. All I can see sometimes is the white fluffy bit at the end of their tails.

Think about their feeding habits too. It would be difficult to provide a balanced diet for a fox. Mother earth provides for them. I do know of a person who hand reared a red fox cub after it's mother died. It thrived and is fairly timid. The bloke who reared it lives in a secluded woodland area so he had the right kind of environment to allow the fox to explore and use it's hunting skills while it being safe. His situation is an unusual one though.

Have you considered joining a wildlife conservation group. There are lots of groups who need help to treat and look after animals in their environment.

I'm very lucky as my friend has a conservation site. He has a huge woodland with deer, foxes, badgers and so many different birds and small rodents. He 'rents' out one of his fields for back to nature camping. The money goes to making viewing boxes hidden in the woods for school children to learn about the animals and where they live and to sensitively control the woodland area. It's a real balancing act. Many blessings x

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I won't say that wild animals are destructive and can't be tamed since you clearly know that already. What I will say as the former owner of a wolf- that wild animals need to be wild and have a lot of space. Caging them in or having them live in your home is cruel to them.

There are wildlife organizations that rescue and nurse injured animals or orphaned baby animals that you might look into volunteering for. But keep in mind that the main focus of these groups is to be able to release these animals back in the wild where they belong.

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I'll try to see if there is a wildlife organization around where I live. My boyfriend and I are planning on moving to Huntersville and he already knows that I want a fox. So we'll be keeping our eyes open for a place that would benefit it too. Trust me, I'm soo up for letting it have it's own space outside and everything!

I'm really jealous of you guys who live around foxes! Right now, I live in sort of the "downtown" area and there aren't any woods!

I've tried calling a vet, but they did the same thing to me that they did when I called concerning my squirrel... So I'm just gonna keep my eyes and ears open.

Thanks for all of the suggestions!

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