An embarrassingly basic question: where to buy supplies?
I'm not from England, and have recently moved to Guildford in preparation for my upcoming wedding to a lovely British man. I wanted to make some of the things for our wedding myself but am having a really hard time locating a good store to buy supplies. Can anyone help me?
Now, I don't mind buying supplies online. From what little I know of Guildford, it doesn't seem to offer to much in the way of craft outlets, so I'm suspecting I will need to do my shopping online. I would really appreciate your help, as right now, I just don't know where to go.
Does anyone out there know where to get supplies such as stationery (including card stock, envelopes, rubber stamps, etc), ribbons, artificial flowers, feathers, and even nice pens and paints?
I also love to up-cycle old goodies. Any good suggestions for larger-scale charity shops, also?
Thank you all so very much. I certainly appreciate the help!
Hobbycraft and the Range both have pretty good supplies, they're nationwide, but I'm afraid I have no idea where Guilford is, so I've put links below to the pages where it shows you a list/map of stores, hope that helps!
If you can't find any of those and see a WH Smith's nearby they do a lot of stationary and paper craft type stuff...
personaly, my only options are thrift stores,wallmart,citymarket,the dollar store and shit just given to me by friends&family! i hope you have something where you live
I did a quick 'search nearby' on google maps and there are about four different independent craft shops in Guildford, but obviously I can't vouch for how good they are.
Personally, I find hobbycraft to be quite expensive (compared to local shops) so it might be worth checking out other places.
Good luck finding stuff!
For other supplies you can always look on You can choose sellers closeby, so that should minimize the risk ;)
Check out if you have a 'The Works' shop near by. They do a pretty good selection at cheap prices. I also buy a lot online. I get my beads from and also pick up bits and bobs from ebay. Wilkinsons also does very reasonably priced art supplies and if you have a pound shop nearby they do cheap canvases.
I live in a remote area, and get everything I need by mail order. If you search for the items you need on google ( specifying UK pages only) you will probably find what you're looking for, also try ebay and the supplies section of etsy. Now my friend has opened a small craft shop in our village, and if I ask for something she gets it in about a week later.
I wish I lived near one of these big craft stores...when I went to Canada and discovered a "Michaels" I went overboard and came back with loads of craft supplies! Still using them up four years later!!!
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