Birthday Present Help
I need help with my nephew's birthday present.I just got the invitation for tomorrow,so I dont have much time...
I have maybe a day to make something awesome.
He is 16 (we dont celebrate sweet16,the 18 is the big number) so it will be just a family party.
He has a similar taste as me ,likes the wooden and funky things.He does triatlon for two years now.
I have to work with stuff that I already have,because I have no money.
Any great ideas?
As he does Triathlon/Sports, why not make him a water bottle carrier or something similar. How about a personalised towel (I call my boyfriends one a sweat rag =))
OR.. How about a little armband thingy for his MP3 player, so he can wear it when he's training?
ummmm...... all I can think of at the moment.
Thanks Kimmi!
I like the water bottle carrier!I never made one...maybe now is the time to try it out!I dont know if I will have enough time to finish it...
I found this link, hope it helps =)
I was just looking at that pattern a minute ago,thinking that Ill probably make that for the present!
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