Idea factory
where do you gather your inspiration?
I love looking up blogs, old magazines, design books and mother nature.
But sometimes you hit a roadblock and are at a lost to what you can craft next.
Ideas people, IDEAS.
What can I do next?
i either float at for ideas, or sort thru the projects in catagories on here, blogs, television shows, or listening to other ppl sometimes they will say "hey it would be kewl if there was "this" or "that" and then I get creative and think of what they want in an item. Sometimes I get ideas while I am about to fall asleep and then experiment the next day.
Go people watching. Its the best place to get ideas of any kind. (=
Yeah I tend to just go "You know, I really want an elephant hairclip" so make one.
I had this dream with this really weird magical object in it and I don't know what it did but I drew a pitcure of it in the morning I think I'll try to make one. I made a dream diary in college for one of our projects and did a painting of the things I saw in the dream dream diaries are so good, it's odd how you forget dreams but you don't if you write it down right away.
Why don't you try a new material or a new techique? I keep forgetting about resin and shrinky dinks but I'm gonna try to get some and the latest new thing I tried is using an iron to fuse plastic bags together which I keep talking about becaue it's so much fun and I usually avoid using things that are dangerous lol
Have you seen the project 'inspiration book'? I made one, they're nice to look at I generally just have to wait about for inspiration, don't push it or it won't come.
yeah, I am waiting. well I won't be around as much as I now have a part time job. But thanks for the help people
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