CO+K Wishlist (What do you want?)

205 replies since 27th December 2007 • Last reply 27th December 2007

You know how you have the little speech bubbles that appear green when their is a new post on the boards, well I think you should be able to click on them and then for them to turn back to grey. Coz if there's a topic that you don't want to look at you should be able to click it as if you've looked at it so in the future you don't have a back log of green boxes-like I do at the moment. But when you click on the speech bubbbles to go grey, as soon as another post comes up again they should go to green.

Another suggestion- on the pin board on the homepage, you should be able to click on the snippets pic and featured project and it should take you to that page.

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Maybe it'll be nice if you could search for multiple things at once. For instance when I want to make something with felt and stuffing, I just enter felt + stuffing and I get projects which use that (and other) materials. And second I would like it if you can filter your search results by how-to and creation.

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you should be able to delete blogs coz I stuffed one up and I've had to just leave it blank.

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not sure if we have this already but what if there is like a type of star on our friends profile pic to indicate that they just published a new project so we can show them some love of the new awesome-ness they just made. Happy

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I like the idea but i just think it would be better if it said on the 'projects' page who each project was by.

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I REALLY like the gold stars idea Cat, It would make me wanna earn them! plus if I favourited all the stuuf that I think is cool my favourites would be unmanageble. But your site is so easy to use, personally I find craftster a bit confusing. x

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Can we have the option to edit titles of our projects because I'm a perfectionist and it bugs me when I want to change the title but can't without having to re-do the whole how to...pwwweeeeease?

And a favourites folder thing would be ace so when you go onto it it's in categories like 'Needlework' 'Paper craft' etc etc. Happy I have 144 favourited things haha I try not to favourite things but I just can't help it.

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i think a cool idea might be a "tips" section. Like you made it and found a way to clear up something, or add more to it. Like if you live in a very humid place and find adding as much water as the recipe calls for it takes another hour to cook, or it becomes to gluey so add less. Or if you live in a dry area, you may find you needed to add more. Or, if it's a craft, and you know an easy shortcut, or budget cut, you can also add it in. Or if you tried it out, and it was a little unclear but found out how to change it you can.

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yeah, that's a good idea Jas,a bit like they have on ehow- if you don't know what I mean Cat, go to

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On our profile page maybe you could see our posts/ board history and it'd be great to have challenges on here!

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what about the possibility to upload a pattern (as a pdf)?
like when you make a bag and there is a pattern piece for it, you don't know where to store it for a download, and a jpg isn't always the best solution.

(okay, bags might not be a problem, but what about clothes? they most likely require some pattern pieces to print out in original size).

just an idea.

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I was just wondering if we could have the questionare thing from the crafty superstars pages on our profile but rename it About Me?

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Being new to the site, I've noticed two things; first, the pages sometimes load really slow. I don't think it is my connection, it seems to happen during high traffic times. This past weekend, I couldn't get into the board area at all. Second, I was wondering about having the most recent posting in a string posted first, reverse of what it is now. This could be confusing to some people but I think most sites have the last comment come up first. I just found it confusing until I realized everything was posted chronologically. Other than that I really like the site and find it really easy to navigate. Thank you for the great site.

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I was on CO & K on the weekend Beading Gal and the pages loaded fine for me so it may have been your connection, I don't know. Also I like the order of the posts because if it's the most recent you don't know what people have been talking about and I find it's a lot more confusing that way, it's fine the way it is, well that's what I think. Maybe Cat should just state that somewhere on the main board page so newcomers know the posts are in chronological order but that may not be neccessary.

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erm it makes more sense to have threads in a chronological order so you can read it like a conversation? I want to get rid of post counts I just cringe at how big mine is lol no one is bothered about it apart from me!

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