CO+K Wishlist (What do you want?)
i have only one problem-this site loads incredibly slowly. if i'm on a computer with not super fast internet, sometimes co+k cant open because it loads to slwaly. bad server maybe? i dunno, but its so very slow! for the rest i love it here.
and i usually add everything i like to favourites. so because of that i have lots of them =P
I think this has been mentioned before, but I can't find the thread.
I'd like to be able to edit or remove my comments, it's possible in the forum threads but not on people's pages.
I have a little suggestion for Mother's day... I know it's a little bit far away, but you know, time flies! What about a Board or a contest or a section where you can either upload how to's or simply show off some of your mom's projects? I mean, for example, I'm good at cosplays... just because my mom was a huge inspiration in costume design! In this place many of us are Mothers, but, it's clear that we also have (or had) a Mom from where to learn some tricks or inspirations. I think it can work as nice tribute for the occasion.
PS. Crafterella, I know I asked your permission to use your avatar, don't think I forgot that project ok? It's still pending, because I had a horrible and rollercoasting year end 2009 =S... I'm just recovering for such a ride and I'm trying to be back on the road, but it's taking time =D. Hope you don't mind if it takes another month=S...
I've added all of the new requests to our to-do list! Eccemullier - that sounds like an awesome idea for Mother's day - you should definitely start something on the blog. I made my Mum sign up and post her own projects
Cat: I'd love to start something on the blog, but there's a little detail =<... I always participate on openned boards, I've never start one of my own =..<, could you please help me with general instructions?? I'm glad your Mum signed up, I'll have to be Mom's representative... she doesn't like the computers at all LOL! Guess she'll see the benefits with this project =D.
A notification system for board posts would be awesome. Like if someone starts a topic, anyone who replies will cause an update message to be sent to anyone who has posted on the thread, as well as the person who started it. At some point someone should be able to disable the notices if they don't want anything to do with the board anymore. Maybe a pop-up box asking "Would you like to be notified if someone posts on this thread?" and then a "Yes" and "No" button.
video tutorials?!?!
hey...random 3 AM idea...what about your friends if they're online? like Facebook-style? i think that would be cool!
We're planning to add a notification system in the future, just like on Facebook, so you can see when you've received comments etc. that might include IM but I'm not sure!
As for video tutorials, we're planning to add a feature so that you can embed youtube links in to your projects.
Sorry, don't have time to search through this whole topic, so I'll just list my whishlist here:
- Markup options for text. (Like bold, italic) I found out that you can use some html (is that on purpose?) but I had to try it to find it out. I could not find a page (help or FAQ would be a good place) that told me how to do it. *
- Links in text. Or perhaps just links to other projects/profiles of this site. I wanted to link to an inspiration once but couldn't. (Nope, my project was not a version) I do understand that you might want to prevent people spamming the h*ll out of the site by adding random links everywhere, but it has been bugging me for a while now. Also I see lots of 'click here' texts that don't go anywhere while it would've been quite useful. *
- Forward and backward browsing of pictures in the fancyzoom thingy (I mean the overlay you get after clicking a pic) That way you don't have to close the image, click next and then open the new image. Yes, I'm lazy but sometimes the page just takes so long to load the overlay....
- Notification when someone comments on your comment. Now I get all kinds of comments in my profile that are reactions to comments from me on projects. A backtrace would be nice, or just a message that someone responded to your initial comment in that very page. (The way author's comments are on the right and visitors comments on the left is a good start!)
- Working members map. It always gives an error when I go there.
- Different scale on the 'near you'. I'd like to see all people in the Netherlands (where I am) but only get 1 other member that's somewhere near my city. I tried just looking at the members map, but that seems to be broken.
These are all just small things to make my lazy life more comfortable. I do understand that implementing it all might be a b*tch. And for good measure I'd like to state that I already love this site the way it is.
* For my work I've written php code that replaces certain codes in text to allow people some basic markup without making them write actual html. Lists, inline images, bold, italic, links, anchor links, popups, mailto links. It's like bbcode from phpbb forums, but a bit different. Message me for more info.
I would like another system for setting projects on the website
im always very enthousiastic about other and mine projects and hate to wait untill my project is posted
With love,
Hi Cat. The Text in the tabs is small and I'm having to squint a bit to see what I'm writing in the message box. It's ok once it's saved, just glad I have varifocals. When typing it looks like a size 6
Hi Cat. The Text in the tabs is small and I'm having to squint a bit to see what I'm writing in this message box. It's ok once it's saved, just glad I have varifocals. When typing it looks like a size 6
Ps I only typed this message once....LOL
Pps please can we have the text on the individual board's titles the same size as what is on the 'home' page showing the board titles? )
Sheila, I messaged you a trick that might help.
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