CO+K Wishlist (What do you want?)

205 replies since 27th December 2007 • Last reply 27th December 2007

Not sure if this was already mentioned, but what about a search within board posts & threads. There are too many to read through them all, lol.

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I was thinking it would be a good idea if there was something on our profiles to state when was the last time we were logged into co&k. It will also be really helpful for when we haven't heard from someone in a particular swap we can see when was the last time they were logged on...Just a thought. Thankies

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They did have that before Sug, they took it off, now you can only see who's done what but only if they are in your friends list. But it would be nice to be able to see how many times your project has been viewed because not every one who's clicked on it favors it.

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i was wondering..... If maybe on the main page or something we could have featured swaps? Something to get more people into them. There are soo many people on here now making fabulous things! It would be nice to get them swapping!! Just a thought....

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sorry if this was already suggested.. but I would love a print button for the how-to's and computer desk is cluttered with craft stuff LOL would be nice to take the instructions somewhere more comfortable and the recipes right to the kitchen Happy thx

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Not a bad idea Jess, I tried printing one of the how-to's and it was like 8 pages long... if there could be a printer friendly version of a how-to that would be great!!

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Ive been watching this thread for weeks.. still no reply Happy

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Sorry for the lack of reply, we're working on the print option so it should be up soon!

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YEAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU Happy *does a little happy dance*

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This morning I got a flash of a maybe good idea LOL. I've been user since this year, and I don't know if you have already heard this before, so please, don't sue me if you had ok? What about having a Inspired or inspiration info in the projects. For example, at the left side under the timer a note of "what you crafted along to". I've seen in the Crafty Superstars questionnaire you have this one,and maybe you have it as an exclusive for the questionnaire, but it would be interesting between friends to know if you craft along the same thing, besides, not all of us craft along the same thing all the time, for example, I did my Rainbow Jelly, watching a Spanish movie called "Elsa & Fred", but my Dark Angel Wings were done under the influence of Vivaldi and his "Four Seasons Concert" (thing that made my boyfriend laugh until he was crying LOL, I usually listen to Classic music in my Ipod, but since I needed my complete body without cables I used the stereo and he noticed the music for the first time since we met, he's not used to). I think the profile is really complete, but one thing is to know your music preferences and another completely different is to know your inspiration preferences... at least I think there's an interesting difference. Maybe "Vox Community" has something to say about that suggestion. Have a nice day everyone=D

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I like that idea Eccemullier but what if we had a Notes section, where whoever wants to could add what they were crafting along to?

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Yes, why not? =D. The optional part is also interesting because not all the members are as extensive in their descriptions as others and mainly because they don't really like to tell the whole story =D, some of us are really descriptive and some others are more quiet type of person. Speaking about something that has nothing to do with the wishlist... may I ask you a question about Crafterella's avatar?? Is it Copyrighted or would you get mad if I want to use it for some little idea I had last week? I swear it's nothing bad, on contraire, it's kind of a.... em .... gratitude action. =D.

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No no, feel free to use it. Thanks for checking with me first x

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How about a remember me box for the login? Since you revamped the front page the site doesn't hold my login detailsHappy

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I would love to be able to favourite things that are listed in the blogs. There are so many things in there that I love, but i often forget about doing until I sit there going through the blogs to see what I have missed.

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