Posts by Sugarlishes

    yayaya yeesha's is on the journey too! Happy exciting!

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    OMG YOU GOT IT!!! WOOT WOOT! I AM GLAD YOU LOVE THEM ALL and yes they are pieces of pokeballs Happy lol@eyeballs!

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    i want mine now too! I hope my secret santa hasnt forgotten about me, cause with things going so harsh at the moment I could really use a pick me up right now.

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    did anyone get mine or jenna's gifts yet?

    yayaya kk's is on its journey! woot

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    yayaya so exciting!

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    we have eight ppl so far, going to give it another week or so for more ppl!

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    woot woot!! Happy

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    well as that i know only me and jenna mailed out already, what is everyone's status? And Did anyone get mine or jenna's box yet? the suspence is kelling me..!!

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    ya thanks guys, I know more ppl will sign up..i think some are just overwhelm with the xmas swaps going on at the moment. But we can do this Happy

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    I wonder if my secret parnter got their box exciting Happy Hurry hurry u.s priority mail!!! Get there!!

    Plus I am just all giddy and excited on who could be my secret santa, I am waiting with smiles!! Happy

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    it will be! can you imagine the unlimited possiblities of cute-ness that we can conjur up for our partners for that holiday!!! Happy It will also be like an appriecation for all those who are on the site that we love so much Happy

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    yayaya i feel the love. Happy

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    Hey guys It may seem early to you but if you really think about it, its not that far at all. I WAnted to see if anyone will be interested in a "will you be my valentine?" Swap. Thus way sign up will begin now and the finally sent off day will Feb 5th of 2009. Hollar if you are interested. Happy

    Name (real or cok):
    Cute cuddly creatures(kitties,bunnies):
    Naughty sexy creatures(deviled ladies ect):
    Chocolates or Flowers:
    Color Coded(fav color):
    Candy Coated(fav candy):
    Love Notes(stationary):
    Book of possibilities(journal):
    Jewelry(enclose measurements):
    Celebrity Crush:
    Enchanted Movie:
    Fae children(age of your younglings):

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    oooh also i want action shots!! that would be so kewl too!! Happy

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