kk here is a little summary of the girls
Name:Lillian Marie Shoefstall
bday: 2.28.03
Age: 6 years old
Likes: hannah montana, barbies, little petshop, and anything that she can cuddle up with.
She also loves to dress up, do hair, make up (the play kind)and sweets.
Favorite colors: pinks, greens, blues and yellow.
Cartoons: Chowder, Ben 10, Pokemon, Carebears.
Special request: A dream Journal, Plushie and something that she can put in her hair and something to put her hair things and her little petshop toys in(just some ideas she gave me...dream journal sounds awsome, never thought of that but apparently her cousin has one and would like one too)
Name: Emma Skye Haggard
Bday: 11.20.06
Age: 2 years old
Likes: Dolls, Pandas, Little Ponies,chocolate, dress up, bags and purses.
Favorite colors: her current obsession is red and blue and her other colors she loves is any shade of purple, green, pink and yellow.
Cartoons: Franklin, Little Bear, Toote and Puddle and Yo Gaba Gaba.
Special requests: Anything...couldnt get a diffenent answer from her i would go a list with her and she goes "All of it." or "Mine." lol
kk if there is anything else you would like to do know let me know and I will ask them. Lillian is excited, I am glad I could distract her with this survey thing with her not feeling well.
Posts by Sugarlishes
oooh fabulous ezme!
You all are so sweet, The girls will be so delighted. Thank you! Lillian is home now but she has an ear infection and she hurts. Poor little one, it hurts me see her hurt.
Thanks guys i will come up with a little survey type thing, but as of right now I had to have Lillian's father come pick her up and take her to the hospital, it sounds like she has a real bad ear infection and she hurts . I will keep you posted, i had to stay home cause my husband is at duty and I didnt have a carseat for emma so I just her father pick her up for me.
As some of you may know I have two beautiful girls. Lillian who is now six and Emma who is two. This has not crossed my mind till earlier when I got a ring from Kiddo in the mail when Lillian came too me with her sad face and said
" Mommy how come you get presents."
I explained to her about swaps and stuff.
"AWww, how come we never get anything in the mail?" (with those sad blue eyes)
So I started to ponder and thought about seeing if anyone would be so kind to want to make a few cute things for them two and specially addressed to them.
I am not sure how many would be interested but I am trying to find a way to come up with something to give in return. I know I wont be able to afford postage for alot of ppl esspecially if its a big package but I am sure me and the girls can make you a spiffy thank you cards for you all with a Lillian and Emma orignal drawing.
Thanks for reading guys I appriecate all of you.
been trying to post on the board since yesterday and it hasnt been letting me, any glad that you got them and hope you liked it. Cant wait to get the slippers!
Which is more frightful....slow zombies or the running zombies...i fear the running zombies...I would be dead for sure with me unable to run myself lol!
yayaya, I have a few more projects to do before I send out, its so awesome we get to see some great stuff already!
omg!!! that is fabulous!!! i love them all!!
Ale your goodies has been shipped out today! you should get it between 5-10 days! woot!
kk since i am jobless again i can really get down to business... i need to know who has not seen, heard or recived from your partner. If there is no contact with your partner please get ahold of me...I can probably come up with something special(not alot) and send it to you cause it makes me sad when someone has not got anything after they had taken the time to make that person something.
Thanks guys P.m me asap.
I have 3 zombie projects made for you Kiddo so far I am having so much fun with this project!
yayayaya! I shall mail out yours Friday the 13th...dun dun duuuun. lol My lucky day! Cant wait to get yours!
yayayaya he has a home now! Thanks lady!
Thats why i like paypal, its fast and quick and painless. Send her an email saying if she doenst respond in the next 48 hours that you will put the items back on shop, that was very rude of her.