Posts by Tom

    I've spent some time on those issues - I reckon they're all fixed.

    Let me know!

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    I'm actually working on a much bigger update to the code behind the project browser - and I'm pretty sure it should sort all these issues.

    Also, I've spent a fair bit of time on image optimisation. The newer images should be much smaller downloads. When the new things go live, I'll tweak all the older images too. Should make a big difference!

    Keep me up to date though - I'll be working to keep everything working smoothly until the big update goes out.

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    The idea is we post everything back to Facebook, and Facebook should group together lots of related actions. If you're able to mail a screen grab to I can see what's going on, and file a bug with Facebook if it doesn't seem to be working correctly.

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    Hi guys!

    Sorry about this - I think I've fixed the error that was causing this. Don't worry though, it was just a display error - nobody was able to edit anything that wasn't theirs..!

    Let me know if it's all sorted.

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    Hi guys!

    Sorry about this - I think I've fixed the error that was causing this. Don't worry though, it was just a display error - nobody was able to edit anything that wasn't theirs..!

    Let me know if it's all sorted.

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    This should be sorted now - for a few technical reasons, the bug wasn't coming through on our tracker.

    Really sorry for the hassle - let me know if all's fixed!

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    It's about 95% female for registered users. I'm not sure if there's a higher percentage of guys viewing the projects, but I'd reckon so.

    I can put a page together to show members by male/female? Might be interesting!

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    Hi Chelsea,

    It sounds like you've ended up with two accounts. Often, you might have accidentally created another via Facebook.

    I'll look into merging your two accounts back into one!

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    Good idea!

    It's so important people understand they shouldn't be posting other people's things without permission. I'll add a button to flag projects with any issues.

    And, I'll look into the serving tray project...!

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    I've got a *ton* of improvements lined up for the board - it all takes time though!

    I'll keep everyone posted...

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    Thanks for letting me know about this - I'm deleting all those durn comments, and checking to make sure there's not a way to slip through the system to leave these comments.

    I'm thinking of putting a block on posting duplicate comments - maybe, not allow posting the same content in a comment more than once a day? That way, hopefully the bots'll stop...

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    Which bits are you finding the font difficult to read on?

    I'll be able to tweak it!

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    I've been working hard on updating lots of the pages around the site - starting with the header!

    So, over the next few weeks, there might be a few changes.

    I'd love your feedback (good and bad)! And any issues with things not appearing correctly - just let me know.


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    Really sorry - they take a little while to appear. We cache tons of pages on the site to keep things fast. I'm looking into ways of speeding it up though!

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    It's fixed! Sorry that took so long, it was a more complex thing to fix.

    Let me know if there're still any issues!

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