Posts by Tom


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    I've just added a page to let you see all your anonymous projects and un-anonymize them! Try

    Let me know if that works out!

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    I'd love to do a mobile app - it's just such a huge learning curve, and it'll take time away from keeping the rest of the site up to date. I'm sure it'll happen though!

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    Hey there! We had a bunch of issues that broke various bits of the site - I've put out a ton of updates that should sort all those out.

    Thanks for letting me know, and write back if you have any other problems!

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    We'll update that welcome message right away!

    It's always tough to stay on top of everything like this - thanks so much for flagging it up!

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    Hey folks! I'll sort out that fashion page for you!

    Are you still seeing those other issues?

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    We're on it!

    It's always tough - we want everybody on CO+K to think outside the box a little on what they make, but it comes back to bite us when we're categorizing. The rough idea is...

    A Category is *what* you made - the final outcome.
    A Craft is which techniques and skills you used to make it
    A Tag is some inspiration or theme which you took to start or design your project.

    So, anything with hamma beads is categorised by purpose, but the craft'd be Beading. Or even just add hamma beads as a need.

    I'm working on a new categorize / publish page which should explain that a ton better, and walk through the process.

    Also, we're trying to pull more crafts together in areas - the new top menu is the first example. Even if something isn't super-straightforward to categorize, it should slot neatly enough into one of those areas, so people'll be able to find it easily.

    It's still really crazy difficult to get everything right, and explain it well - especially to members where English isn't a first language.

    I'll be putting together a little admin toolbox for every project - it'll let trusted members re-categorize and re-tag projects super-quick, without leaving the page. Look out for that soon!

    I'd love any suggestions of what'd make it more straightforward to get things all neat 'n' tidy!

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    Hey there! Are they still dissapearing? I fixed an issue with comments on Internet Explorer recently, so that might've been it...


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    There's a little Report button on every message - just fill in the form, and we'll get all the info we need to block that user and remove their message. Or, invest in their agricultural company... grrph!

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    I'm working on a little system to deal with reporting spam this afternoon - hopefully it'll go out later tonight or tomorrow!

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    I've sorted out those links - they should all go to the right places!

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    Aww, thanks so much! Happy

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    Should be all working now!

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    This should be fixed now - let me know if it still doesn't look right!

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    We made a couple of changes to try and stop spam. Spammers often sign up, and mail a *lot* of people at once.

    Sorry about that - I'll see if there are any ways we can bring it back, without letting any spam through!

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