Posts by Tom

    Apple TV has always done photos, now it does Flickr and .Mac photo streams...

    ...and you can't replace the Air battery :S

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    Anyone else follwing the Apple keynote?


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    New photo uploader!

    So, you've got 3 upload slots, stick yr photos in them, and you can select one as your avatar across the site.

    Let me know if there are problems...

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    Search is done on projects - Perhaps not the best search, but it'll check through all the text of the project for the search term...

    Top right on all the project pages!


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    Awesome suggestions from


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    BBC 6Music, 9-12... It's been great the past few weeks, music as well as the chat

    Anybody else been listening?

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    awesome Happy

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    A quick update - for now, we've got links going to show you all the projects with a certain need...


    They're all linked to from the What You'll Need section


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    Quick note:
    File upload on Safari has a bug and doesn't work, adding yr own entries to the Craftopedia just dosen't work at all...

    Fixed soon though!


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    Sparta... lots of Sparta

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    Those crazy Linux people...

    Theres a few on Flock, actually, which I didn't expect...


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    Bah. All that stuff is annoying - just like the token boys-doing-ballet stories they always have on Newsround...

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    "zootm":50153 wrote:
    "Shooting Piers Morgan with a Crossbow - Live"

    That'd be a right laugh after a 12 week run.. he'd've started to decompose...

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    Yeah, google vid is starting to pick up way more sites...

    Does it still do the thing with subtitle search? And you could search for mad stuff, and then it would show you the exact instant someone said the line?

    hahah Happy

    BBC Click had some dodgy tech coverage of youtube... hmm

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    I think us, and the Friday Night Project are the only people that care about BB....

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