Posts by Tom

    The Wannadies - Hit


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    I've tried and failed with The Mars Volta - they seem a bit *too* weird to be listenable...

    Anyone listen to Sparta? Happy

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    I'm tempted by Connect - it was really nice last year. Seemingly *mature* crowd, rather than a bunch of thugs who know all the words to Hard Fi....

    Shame it takes an age to get to though Happy

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    Here's a quick list of mine..
    Cut Out + Keep blogs Happy

    Gah, so geeky... !

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    Google did it!

    I didn't know when it was...

    Was there anything about how it went? Did it save any power?

    There was a similar UK thing a few weeks back that was a complete flop..

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    Yeah, absolutely makes sense to integrate with Flickr... Only thing is trying to get a sensible interface to the whole thing - scrolling through a million photos from flickr would be just as much of a nightmare...

    Have you used the import from URL thing? That's way quicker than uploading...


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    Thats an update up tonight which should fix quite a few things - lots of layoutey things and stuff...

    Keep the problems coming though, I'll get em all fixed, promise!

    Shivi - If stuff ever looks all over the place, it'll be Internet Explorer 6 being weird - if you can upgrade to 7, do it, it makes things waaay easier and waaay more predictable Happy

    Chelsea - You don't have any browser extensions for fast downloads, or toolbars or similar? That might have caused the favorite adding... let me know!

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    But it's so awesome when you gain an hour.. Especially if you're on a night out...

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    As a very belated 21st pressie. a shiny shiny Macbook Pro arrived for me on Thursday! Happy

    Happy happy times!

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    Yeah, that clippets mag has, like, no celebo fashion disasters, and dosen't help me with my fad diet Happy

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    Yeah! The Boxer is greeeat, the other stuff has some weirdy and slightly offputting lyrics...

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    Try signing out, then in again...

    There's something up with the cookies getting too big, I'll get that fixed though!

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    I'm working on a Report This User button today - in the meantime, just send a message to me or Cat and we'll sort it/her Happy


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    Wow! That's a really nice view..

    There's only been a tiny bit of snow here this year Happy

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    Roma - +1 point!

    Lots of counts (projects/posts/comments)'ll be coming. As for ratings, I kinda want to keep it *positive* - it'd be bad to have your project rated 1 star by people - also, it's really different for different people - a 5-star knitting project isn't great unless you knit...

    However, something to rate the usefulness of the project might be cool - maybe flag steps as tricky or hard to follow or something?

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