Posts by Luna

    has this ever happened to anyone else and if so tell your hair fail story!!!

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    This is the 2nd time this month that stupid blonde hair dye didnt work!!!
    god damint walmart you failed me yet again!!!!!!

    So i had like a light brown hair . i got some ultra blonde hair dye to lightin it cuz i didnt wanna strip my hair agiain. it helped by making my hair a dirty blonde with some blonde streaks.. okay i was fine with that cuz i cant expect it to bleach my hair.

    so i waited like 2 weeks and got the same brand but ultra bleach blonde hair. was the color. it is like white blonde.. which is what i want. since my hair is already a blonde shade i thought ok this will work.

    and what happens???


    sorry. i needed to rant about this as i am now unemployed and shoulda just payed 20 bucks for the bleach kit instead of 8.00 on two hair dye boxes.

    omg tho. i wanna bring it back and complain like wft its the same shade. ive been dying my hair since i was 13 and i know for a fact that it should have at the very least went to a lighter blonde.

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    Swap name: International swap of joy/happiness
    Partner: Sarha D
    Did she keep in contact: YES
    Were the rules of the swap kept? YES, it was a great swap and i'd gladly do another with her!

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    While yes, that show shows some life lessons it is making sex at 16 cool. even by not meaning to. Thats the point, things that grown ups see as ok and shrug off children see as trends and copy it..

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    @ wonkadawn Zombie rainbow brite ftw.
    @abbika im sure your kids will be happy with what ever you do for them. ! when i was a kid i liked my grandma's homemade costumes better anyway.
    my foot is in like an air cast. its weird its this big plastic boot with pads inside that inflate. its surpisinly comfy. i may be able to walk without the crutches by then. i get xrays done this week and if it looks like its healing well i will deff be good by halloween. no hunted walks but im sure i can do something. more or less im worried about bills now. what with being unpempoled recently. I would be a mummie but i already made fairy wings and a mask. it really depends on what it is halloween wise ill be doing to my costume. it gets pretty cold outside here so if im going outside ill prolly wear the wedding gown...

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    it wont get better either. sadly hanna montana has proved that no matter how young you are you too can be
    well. yah know.
    my husband dosnt want children because of this little fact that the kids of today will be the failures of tomorrow and he dosnt wanna bring life into a world where a little girl knows more sexual crap then he does at 26.
    i cantsay i blame him either. what a horrible mother id be if i let a kid come into this world. america needs to crack down on these things and fast.
    1. take 15 and prego off the air and anything like that
    2. actually teach kids in school that being smart is better that being "popluar"
    3. Stop putting football and cheerleading above math and reading.
    4.Crack down on laws concerning minors having kids and sex with adults
    5. Stop letting kids under 12 wear make up in school.

    i think it will help if they do these, but they wont.

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    thank you k-li. Im kinda feeling abit worthless though right now. with not being able to support my otherhalf and all. but i suppose you are right. it can only go up from here

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    SHe had all the mangers with her and i plan on reporting her to the board of commerence. But sadly thats fast food. i mean at first i was gonna take it but then after an hour of her down my back i thought to myself.. im only getting paid 7.30 an hour why am i letting her totture me? yes i need the job but this is wayy too stressful. lucky for me i am a cute girl as my husband says and there are places who need cute girls. i also filed for workers comp tonight and i will apply for foodstamps monday.. hopefully that will be enough for a month or two i mean it cant take me that long to find another shit job in this area. lol. i feel so much better tho knowing i stood up for myself. i mean who does she tihnk she is? shes a mc manger i mean a monkey with a tie can do that job.

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    actually just talekd to my 12 year old sister and she asked me to check out her face book..
    FACE BOOK???
    okay. so i look her up.
    and the first thing i see is these words;
    1. Do you think chistian is a babe?
    2. Do you want to bend christian over and .. (fill in the blank)
    3. is chirstian the best lay ever?

    okay so on the list of things i should never see on my baby sisters face book .. id say they make the list.
    So i ask her why she has that crap on her page and you know hwat she says?
    justin berber does it so should i.


    what ever happend to mary kate and ashley? they were role models, and rainbow brite, wonder wommen, omg. justin berbier does it.
    i cant get that out of my head.
    my little sister who i rasied from a tot, is ONE OF THEM!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I WANNA CRY.

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    omg people my age (20) are so stupid. yeah im a rare one with being on my own since i was 12 and being married and all but that dosn't mean that other people my age have ot act so.... stupid. i agree 100 million percent.
    schools these days dont teach the things children need to learn and when and if said kids make it to high school they dont have the manners or smarts they woul have had say 20 years ago. it makes me sick how rude and slutty teenagers have become. and the fact that its popluar to have kids at 14? WTF is wrong with people

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    WELL everyone you will be proud of me.
    I went to work tonight and the store manger sat me down and literally told me to beg her not to fire me.
    exact words
    Jessic the manger-
    "Luna i want you to beg and pled to me for your job here. I want you to convince me not to fire you. can you convice me not ot fire you? I should have let you go when you broke your foot, but no i let you work here with a broken foot, i should have fired you when you came in late saying you had car trouble but no i let you work. Now you are sick with the flu? i sent you home tuesday with the flu i should have fired you. TEll me why should i keep you?
    (Luna tells her that shes a good employee and that she came to work with a broken foot and the flu and stayed late .. )
    Jessica manger- "im not convinced you want your job. i tell you what get on your knees and beg me for your job. cry luna or im going to fire you right now for not having a doctors note."
    (im not going to beg u for my job, i vaule my job. ive had a shity month but im here you already told me im a good employee are you going to fire me or not?)
    Jessica the manger- "I tell you what luna, i wont fire you tonight. but i might tomorrow or the next day, if you're a second late , a penny short, a penny over,if you forget to ask for ketchup, if im having a bad day and need to smile i will fire you. just so we are clear.
    (thats not fair im a good employee you cant fire me over nothing i told you ive been having a bad month im sorry i had the flu i cant control that, nor could i control my car breaking dowon on the way to work, nor could i control breaking my foot. how can you hold thoese things aginast me when i always stay late for you or come in early?)
    Jessica the manger- whats not clear luna? You jump when i say jump or you're fired. If i want you to come in from 6am and work till midnight you better say yes or you will be fired. got me?
    (yes i got you)
    Jessica the manger- good, now go to work before i change my mind and fire you anyway.

    Wtf??? this really happened to me tonight i swear to god word for word.
    SO i went back to work for the next hour thinking about what had just happened and when my break came it was in the middle of a rush and we were short staffed cuz she fired 5 people. i went into the bathroom took my uniform off called my husband.
    I walked to the lady handed her my uniform (she had a confused look on her face) and simply said this.
    "You know what, id rather nto be your bitch, here is my uniform dont bother firing me because i quit."
    and i walked out the door.

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    that was a funny movie. deff need to be done.

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    okay sorry to rant on again but i do need to get some things off my chest and into internet world lmao. here goes.
    i work at mcdonals. been there 2 freaking years without a raise or even a simple promtoion. not because im not a good worker oh no. my boss even went as far as to tell me im one of his best employees but since i didnt hang out with him outside of work i am not eligable for a raise. WTF okay so almost 2 months ago my boss sold the store to someone who owned every store in my town. They told me they were interested in giving me mangement postion and a raise after my 30 days. okay so i work my ass off do idk how mcuh over time and... then at the 30 day mark i break my foot and have to call off. so i call off that day and go get a xray and doctors notes.. Doc wanted me to take a week off my foot and then go see a differnet doctor for a new cast.. so i took the week off. after i saw the new doctor he wanted me to take 3 weeks off NO can do. So i bring the doctors note (im on crutches now mind you) into work to talk to my new boss. I explain that i'd mcuh rather work then have so mcuh time off but i require a chair since i have one foot!. okay well so im going to work on cruches and now im prolly going to get fired because im too slow and i sit down inbetwen orders? ok and to make matters worse i got the flu from bein in the drive thru window for 2 weeks stright with the freezing cold air bleh bleh bleh and tuesday i went to work sick and throwing up and with my broken foot and they told me to suck it up. i ended up going home 2 hours early cuz i couldt stop throwing up.. so wensday i cazlled in sick,same with today cuz i have the flu and ill be damned if im going to work with the flu and a broken foot. so i called in sick this morning hackin on the phone and this lady who knew im sick says "you better have a doctors note or proff that ur sick or your gonna be sorry" wtf?? you were the one u sent me home sick lady!! GAH the only reason im even working with a broken foot to begin with was cuz they would have been short staffed and screwd. i hate people. im doing them a favor and since i got sick while doing said favor i will lose my job when my foot is better? REALLY. im sorry i dont have insurance to go to the doctor everytime i get the sniffels. no i dont have a doctors note but i was throwing up at work you'd think they be smart enough to realize im actually sick. so anyways since i broke my foot they told me that i am not "smart enongh to me worthy of a raise, since you are unable to walk without crutches" exact words. WHAT? seriously? so since i broke my foot i cant be a manger? how does that work? so two years being the perfect employee goes down the drain because im having a bad month. WOW. and the shit with my roomate. and my car died so now im without a car. i feel completlet useless. i cant support my family let alone walk up the stairs to the bathroom without help from my husband. How pathic am i?

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    My husbands best friend moved in two months ago. Ever since everything that can go wrong is gone wrong. His girl friend is rude two faced and mean. She is trying to make our living sitituation unbearable. I have tried so hard to go out of my way to make her feel confy in my home and all she does is bitch and complain saying my home isnt good enough for her. She didnt go home for a about 2 weeks and the other day i said "taylor, i know you've had a fight with your mom last week but its time to go home. you can come back tomorrow." and she slam my back door and left. Im sorry but i dont run a bed and breakfest. The girl does nothing but complain about my home why is she still here??? and to make matters worst she had the nevre to lie to the roomate and tell him i "Luna screamed at me and told me to get the fuck out of the motherfucking house because i didnt cleam up the mess i left in the hallway" WHAT?? am i wrong here? i need to know.

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    voted good luck

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