Posts by Luna

    thatis a neat photo tho.

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    Why not do the hidden hollow book idea and add your own thing to the cover? Get some glue some colorfull paper and have fun!


    Make cool homemade paper out of it!

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    I made a few small things and sent somethings i already had. .. Cant wait to see what i get!

    YAY crafters Happy

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    I drew this back in 06. Boy do i miss those days. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

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    A: Sometime before so many humans ran the earth little water knomes ran free. They Were very friendly but everytime they got too happy they'd take out land with rain. Fun fact about water knomes , they are always excited, and so it always rained. It rained for 2 years and the earth was flooding, human homes were being lost and they were getting upset with the knomes. So the strongest human climbed to the top of the highest cliff and threw mother water knome off it. She fell into a deep cave and created the ocean. Although very happy in the ocean when ever a human stands under a waterfall mother knome calls more knomes into the ocean with her. It is them jumping down that pushes you as they land on your head and shoulders.

    Q: Why are lady bugs red with black spots?

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    okay all done!! I Had a pair of my little sisters old dress shoes stuffed in a corner and they were a ugly teal color. I got inspired by alice in wonderland for the shoes. It was quick and simple Happy [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

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    Okay i clicked the random button and got "Drug store shoes" So i guess i get to paint some shoes.. this should be fun , im going to do it now and post pictures when im done Happy


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    Ive never personally used it. But standard henna usally last about 2-3 weeks.

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    this is a great idea.!!!
    Im In. *if ofcourse you havnt paired up yet!!*

    COK Name: Luna
    Newbie/vet: NOOB Happy ive done tons of pen pal type things before tho.
    Country: USA (ohio)
    what you would like your envelope to include/not to include:
    Everything. buttons,feathers,something you drew/made,cosplay accesories,cool nick nacks,Im not picky, Nothing evil or morbid please. I dont like bloody gross stuff. Happy
    What makes you happy:
    Rainbows, my husband and my dog,making art,nature. I am a big manga ,rainbow brite, cosplay fan, I love vintage stuff love victioran age, walks on the beach (i was born in florida miss the ocean!!) and Painting. Happy

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    Also dont forget most rag dolls have yarn as hair .. So if you add some yarn to your wig to make it it look like your hair is sew on it will look more realistic. If you're going for the whole "real look" i painted my face porclin like and made it look tatered. fake eye lashes are cool too. like feather ones. im pretty sure you can buy them for like 3 bucks at walmart..

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    I have a few items on etsy. I havnt sold anything on there yet. I have sold tons of items in real life though. I think my promblem is my photos. Everything looks better in real life.. HAHA

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