Posts by Luna

    I make mugs! mostly I draw anime,kawaii, styled and video game related but i can print out an image you have made (of that family photo you love) and put it on a mug for you as well. so the mugs can be endless in design Happy

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    some of my work.

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    Ive been hand drawing on mugs. they'remade with special sharpies and then sealed so they become water proof for washing.

    but most of my best work have been sold and they out due the rest!!!

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    my daughter chibichibi is my hobby XD (chibi is her middle/nickname) shes 19 months old.. but when ever I get a hour or so to craft i like to sew and paint. these are some things i've made.. yes i made the toy story dress <3

    Medium mugcollage1
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    it sounds like u may have pulled a tendon. i've done that once while i was kick boxing and it hurt like hell, was very swollen and kinda blue. everyone has different pain levels though so if this isn't normal i'd go get it checked out. you could just have a sprain though which also would cause the same symptoms. get an icepack and keep it on ur foot for 20mins on and off throughout the day, also try to stay off it for a day or so if u can.

    Medium anime ch
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    These pictures are OLD!! but its all I have.. we haven't taken pictures together since our daughter was born XD. so these are out of my scrapbook

    this is our wedding. .

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    etsy usually only takes about 1-2 percent. any site you use to sell your stuff will cost money. If you start off as a Facebook page u can put ur stuff there and add your paypal info. that will be free. I do that, and 'i have a few items on etsy.

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    hey there crafty peeps. I make fan art mugs!!
    so far I have a ton from vault boy to my little pony
    come check them out and tell me whacha think..
    and If you like one buy one!!!
    thats my facebook url which has all of the mugs from past to now. you can buy from there or take a link to my etsy store.

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    I live in Port Charlotte florida, anyone live in florida or near me?

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    my husband thinks its "mega blocks" he says its an old company who worked with LEGO back in the day..

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    I am 21 and pregnant. While I am happy married for 3 years now neither one of us were ready for this baby. while we are happy to have this blessing the time isn't great . Having a child is a huge life change and so many people take it lightly. Your father should know this. you should tell him to become a "big brother" or "grandfather" there is many programs out there for adopting grand kids.

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    bleaching your hair is what damages it. I dye mine ever month or so and its still in good shape. I do use olive oil every other month to deep condition it though.

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    there is always a good chance someone will steal your projects when you post them on the web. its sad but it happens all the time. a side from reporting her to esty there isn't much else you can really do.

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    well, i started to make a mermaid out of it. but i do have a few complaints about this clay.
    1. it dosn't stick to other peices very well. I had to actually glue the head to the neck ect. so the package lied a bit on that.
    2. it drys so fast you need to constanlty add water to your clay when your kneeding it.
    3. its not water proof at all so you will need to seal it after your finished project with a good sealer

    but the pro's are
    1. it does dry super fast.. it only took 8 hours for my mermaid body to dry. (its thick too like 2 inches thick)
    2. if you dont like how it dried you can sand any part of it with a nail file to get the right shape and add more clay onto it. (like normal clay i know)

    I havn't finsihed it yet so thats all i can really say about the clay so far. im 4 months pregnant so im sick alot but next time im feeling like messing with it i'll work on it some more and keep you posted on how the clay is holding up.

    i did expirment with adding some elmers glue to the kneeding to make the clay a bit more sticky and it worked really well. i used that clay to fill in some cracks and attatch my peices to eachother and you cant even tell which is helpful i guess.

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    Creative Paperclay is a non-toxic modeling material that can be sculpted, molded or shaped, and air dries (no baking!) to a hard finish that can be carved, or sanded.. atleast thats what it says on the website!

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