Posts by Luna

    So i bought a grab bag from goodwill filled with different craft stuffs and among it was a new package of PAPER CLAY. i've used clay before but not this stuff. so i played around with it a bit but after the stuff dried it still seems idk not right.

    does anyone use this stuff?

    i thought about coating it with clear nail polish or maybe some elmers glue to give it a decent protective layer but i havn't yet.


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    So i bought a grab bag from goodwill filled with different craft stuffs and among it was a new package of PAPER CLAY. i've used clay before but not this stuff. so i played around with it a bit but after the stuff dried it still seems idk not right.

    does anyone use this stuff?

    i thought about coating it with clear nail polish or maybe some elmers glue to give it a decent protective layer but i havn't yet.


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    these are going to sound weird but..

    Green tea works wonders - just brew your tea and use it as a toner or apply it before bed. i have really oillly skin too and it helped control the oilliness (haha i love making words up)

    honey is a great anti-acne tool. i make a honey and oatmeal mask that i used 2 times a week and not only did my face clear up but it controlled the oil. (oatmeal sucks up the oil and the honey repells acne)

    um, also rice water mask works ok but it really didnt do mcuh for my oilly face :/

    (i am a BIG health eco friendly organic fan so when ever i hear of cool all natural tips and ideas on anything really i try them for myself and if they work i make them and give them to others to try)

    there is alot of different acne meds out there but most of the store bought crap has stuff in it that yeah dries up your pimples but it also kills the top layer of skin making your face dried out and some of them are made that unless you use them ALOT acne comes back. which is bs if you ask me.

    also- if you want to check out the homemade acne tips youtube is wonderful.

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    you can make a hat with them! or put them on your shoe laces. My husband knows a girl who made an entire rainbow brite costume out of pony beads and a teddy bear.

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    I've worked in a bunch of different type jobs. through out the years i've had pink,purple,blue hair and my nose pirced. I also have a tat on my ankle but this is what ive noticed about being yourself and work.
    1. it really depends on your employer. If you have a franchise that you work for many times all you have to do is ask your boss. I had pink and purple hair for years working at mcdonalds , but when they sold the store the new boss had me dye it brown. as for piercings all food places require it to be covered at least, however it seems even places like walmart dislike face pircings so again , ask your employer.
    2. many places are VERY acepting to tattoos now days, as long as they don't harm or offend anyone. Walmart loves tattoos
    3. the most accepting boss will always be yourself.

    sorry about the numbers, im on a list kick today!!!

    really though i've had a ton of different jobs and you'd be surprised who is and isn't ok with what you look like.

    but to answer your question

    most fast foods are ok with all but it depends on what you do there and the boss.
    Walmart and Kmart is okay with tattoos and some pircings but not colored hair (unless you have a very nice boss which i didnt)
    hotel jobs and maids don't usally care as long as you appear modest and friendly
    but the best ive found is freelance. since you are your own boss Tongue

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    happpy bday matt. my bday was yesterday. ::shares bday love::

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    happpy bday matt. my bday was yesterday. ::shares bday love::

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    Since there is already a sewing machine help thread (convinient) I too just got a new sewing machine only mine isnt so new.
    its from 1956 i think, anyway its a Singer. It is in greeat shape just needs some oil because it hasnt been used since 1956 still has the original needle in it. Okay my issue
    HOW DO I USE IT?!?!
    i read the owners maunal over and over and it says "use only singer needles" and "only singer oil" well, um yeah i dont wanna break it trying to figure out how to use it.
    question 2 is can i use motor oil to lube it?

    help please. TY

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    A freind asked me to find him someone who can make him a working hidden blade like the one from assassians creed. He wants it to be made out of metal and leather with the working gears and a 6 inch blade. He's a big AC nerd. Anyway he is wiling to pay and needs to know if anyone out here can/will make it. i figured since it involves gears that steampunk was close to this same thing? idk. if you think you can make this for him please email me at or send me a message on here telling me how long, how much. thank you.

    he says he wants to be able to like flick his wrist and have the blade come out and press a button and have it go back in. idk. i dont do blacksmithing. lol

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    A freind asked me to find him someone who can make him a working hidden blade like the one from assassians creed. He wants it to be made out of metal and leather with the working gears and a 6 inch blade. He's a big AC nerd. Anyway he is wiling to pay and needs to know if anyone out here can/will make it. i figured since it involves gears that steampunk was close to this same thing? idk. if you think you can make this for him please email me at or send me a message on here telling me how long, how much. thank you.

    he says he wants to be able to like flick his wrist and have the blade come out and press a button and have it go back in. idk. i dont do blacksmithing. lol

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    Im making a shadow the hedgehog plush for a friend and i cant quite get it right...

    anyone have a pattren?
    im using fabric

    thank you!!!

    if not a shadow anyone have a sonic?

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    i wont win. i just found out that only asians can win this. even though it said nothing about having to be asian to enter. but i think i did good so im not sad.

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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam!/pages/Los-Angeles-CA/The-House-of-Glam-AfterHours/124032704318455

    like my vid.. i am Cyndie Lyons.. its a tiger ... winner gets a paid trip to disney land with paid hotel fare and paid air trip.

    please vote for me.

    winner is chossen from facebok likes.

    thank you all

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    i dont think he is cheating on you tho. but i do think he isnt telling you something. i hope things weork out for you you seen really sweet.

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    I have had this same exact realitionship. turned out not only was he cheating on me but swore up and down he wasnt when i had proof. then thought it was okay to contuine to lie to me and we even had a room in our house i was never aloud to go into no matter who was in there.. oh and my fail guy he "did alot for me when we were dating too" and i tought i was "just ranting about the bad things" and we also had "a long converstaion on how he will change" your what maybe 20? i bet he is one of your first long term realtionships too. because my guy was and i thought he loved me because
    he was "usally realy sweet to me" and i thought he loved me. he didnt love me tho he lied. your bf is lying to you too. think about this he wants you, his girlfriend the women he supposley LOVES to leave for atleast 4 hours when he's home. and then what its okay for u to sleep with him tho right? girl you are going to get your heart broken RUBY IS RIGHT. you asked for all our advice and im sorry you are going through this but every girl has that terrible " he loves me i know it" realtionship atleast once in their lives. my husband and i have been with eachother everyday for 2 years and he NEVER EVER asked me to leave the house for any giving amount of time so he can have "him" time. if you believe this crap he's telling you then you need to listen to your friends. mine tried to warn me too and i did exactly what you are doing and making excusses trying to convince yourself that he really is perfect and sweet and loves you. i went through all of this and it still kills me that i wasted 4 years of my life with a guy who didnt love me the way i loved him. and you know what? it was the best thing ever to leave him. Now i am maried and my husband is perfect. like a storybook perfect. what your going through isnt nessary and i dont wanna see you hurt like i am. but its all up to you in the end. only you can make the choice. but ask yourself this: Is a guy who dosnt want your near him the type of guy you wanna spend forever with?
    best of luck.

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