Posts by Cat Morley

    I'd make something else, or post photos of what I've made. I have a notebook filled with all my ideas for things to make and I use a highlighter to colour them in when I've made them. I don't think I'll ever highlight all the things in it, because I add things faster than I make them.

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    Hey guys, Post your entries here for the Garage Sale America Competition. [url:bc124]http&#58;//www&#46;cutoutandkeep&#46;net/snippets/issue4/garage_sale_competition[/url:bc124] [img:bc124]http&#58;//www&#46;cutoutandkeep&#46;net/resize/250x400/issues/issue4/garagesale/entries/peg&#46;jpg[/img:bc124] The Quest by california-peg [img:bc124]http&#58;//www&#46;cutoutandkeep&#46;net/resize/250x400/issues/issue4/garagesale/entries/willow&#46;jpg[/img:bc124] Garage Sale Wind Chime by willowartist Thanks, Cat <!-- s:art: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/artistic.gif" alt="creative" title="creative" /><!-- s:art: -->

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    Someone on craftster has posted this awesome bling lunchbox set - [url:812cf]http&#58;//www&#46;craftster&#46;org/forum/index&#46;php?topic=100004&#46;0[/url:812cf]

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    Yeah, one of the mothers wants to give up smoking, so knitting would keep her hands busy.

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    Does anyone fancy coming along to a Stitch N Bitch on Saturday 28th April in Dundee? The BBC are going to pick the venue, provide us with coffee and film us for Honey I'm Killing The Kids.

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    I can't wait to see them. <!-- s:clap: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/enthralled.gif" alt="clap" title="clap" /><!-- s:clap: -->

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    They are so pretty and girly. I like the last one <!-- s:clap: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/enthralled.gif" alt="clap" title="clap" /><!-- s:clap: -->

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