Posts by Knittin' Kitten

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    Ooh lots more!

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    Another one's been uploaded:

    I am going to check the account every week or so

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    Oh okay well hopefully soon =)

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    Hey Creative, I sent mine a while ago, have you got it yet?

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    Yay I'm so glad you like it =) sorry everything spilled over and stuff.

    Yeah after you sent me that pendant I couldn't resist making you an actual Zoey the Zombie necklace haha

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    Okay, I set up the Photobucket.

    Login: COandK
    Password: Username1

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    Haha I'm not surprised!

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    Haha aaw =D

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    Got mine today Rhibi! I love it, especially the Cheshire Cat bracelet, it's so funky!

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    Rhibi, I went to send yours out the other day and the postage came to £12! And that's basically because of one thing in it, so I need to take it down to the post officed again sans heavy thing and send it, sorry it's taking so long

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    Woop woop!

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    Aces, anyone else let me know

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    I'm really sorry Rhibi, I went to send out packages today but just the zombie swap and the name swap cost me £10 to send, so I'll have to send yours out when I have the money, which may be tomorrow and may be next week. Really sorry about this x

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