ha chelsea me 2.....im just not gonna have anything to do with them for now...
Posts by Courtney Couture
haha chelsea youre funny
OHOHOH!!!! i just finished my costume for humanities!!!! WOOOOT!!!!
yeah it is really southern...which prolly explains why i eat it at my grandparent's house
it is addictive though....eating one every day forr 3 days....mmmmmmmmmm
www.allrecipes.com is good, they have A TON of recipes, so search for whatever you want and it'll come up
good luck!!
since i dont have a crush on any guys, my little brother calls me lesbian.....ugh so annoying!!
oh wow ive heard of that happening....but ill trade!! i still havent even had my period.....GRRR
anyway....wow...im sorry
just look @ my profile....thats how i look usually...
My kitty, Dusty
CONGRATULATIONS!!! wow thats soooo cool!!!!!!!
i live in the US!!! and im gonna go live in europe one day, the ignorance is unbeleivable here!!
biscuits and gravy are okay, if you eat only one....more makes you feel like a mcdonalds lover....bleh
oops....i already hat MY ex.....speaking o which....RANT TIME
Oh my GOD i know i should be over this but im not and he thinks im fat and didnt break up with me when he didnt like me anymore!! oh and hes racist and sexist, and called my friend a conniving b****. and hes also a pervert and hes just such a jerk and i thought he was nice................and the reason he never called me pretty was that he never thought i was!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sob*
i thought he was nice....im just so dissapointed.....
ooooh i looooooove snapple!!!!!!
hm mine is.....an old pencil box
yeah i know, not very strange but whatever XD
haha shivi your funny......sorry in the US all the craft knives are Exacto Knifes...soo yeah
i hate that!! but the mag i get doesnt have NEARLY as many ads as all the other i happy about that.