Posts by Courtney Couture

    I think you should wear them! My english teacher wears like tennis shoes to work then changes into slippers during the day and nobody cares.

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    yay turtles ^_^

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    I'm a huge LOTR geek as well, my dad has all the extended versions and like 3 discs of extra stuff. Happy

    I probably won't look like arwen, I'll need to buy a wig, my hair is short and multicolored as opposed to long and black but whatever.

    I'm making this dress:

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    Awesome :] I'm getting In The Flat Field by Bauhaus

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    Hello hello hello!!

    I'm getting a new CD tomorrow :] I've needed new music for sooo long.

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    I've finally decided on being Arwen from LOTR. Happy I've decided to make it all myself.

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    Hi you guys!! I've been uber busy.

    But guess what I've been obsessed with baking and I made banana bread and oatmeal cookies and cupcakes!!

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    Haha I have your problem. Only nobody is jealous of my body >_<

    But anyways, working out is a good thing to do, fat or not.

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    School starts tomorrow Happy :/
    I just CAN'T WAIT for the high school drama, haha.

    But really, cynicism aside, I am excited.

    I made a laptop bag specifically for the event Tongue

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    Mine was just a Brother machine, it has a buttonhole function and like 10 stitches. And a reverse button, of course. I love it! I named it Lillith.

    I want a Serger, too...

    I actually had some trouble with mine, but it was my fault. I thought the tension control was the stitch length, haha. But its all good and now I'm wearing my bracelets, skirt, and shirt I made with my new machine!!

    I've been sewing all day.

    Ahhhh so happy Happy

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    New sewing machine Happy

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    Theres this show, Psych that I watch, and it had a "tuesday the 17th" episode making fun of the 80s Friday the 13th.

    So this boy (my brothers friend) was over watching it and I was explaining it to him and I was like "its making fun of the 80s friday the 13th"
    and hes like "THATS NOT AN 80s MOVIE"


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    Happy birthday!!

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    Yay queenie!!

    My sewing machine shipped today :]

    And I got to hang out with one of my friends, and back to school night is thursday.

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    Central. Market. Fajitas.

    Soooo good, and I usually hate mexican food. Its really taking every ounce of willpower I have to not eat them all out of the pan, haha.

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