I think you should wear them! My english teacher wears like tennis shoes to work then changes into slippers during the day and nobody cares.
Posts by Courtney Couture
yay turtles ^_^
I'm a huge LOTR geek as well, my dad has all the extended versions and like 3 discs of extra stuff.
I probably won't look like arwen, I'll need to buy a wig, my hair is short and multicolored as opposed to long and black but whatever.
I'm making this dress:
Awesome :] I'm getting In The Flat Field by Bauhaus
Hello hello hello!!
I'm getting a new CD tomorrow :] I've needed new music for sooo long.
I've finally decided on being Arwen from LOTR. I've decided to make it all myself.
Hi you guys!! I've been uber busy.
But guess what I've been obsessed with baking and I made banana bread and oatmeal cookies and cupcakes!!
Haha I have your problem. Only nobody is jealous of my body >_<
But anyways, working out is a good thing to do, fat or not.
School starts tomorrow :/
I just CAN'T WAIT for the high school drama, haha.
But really, cynicism aside, I am excited.
I made a laptop bag specifically for the event
Mine was just a Brother machine, it has a buttonhole function and like 10 stitches. And a reverse button, of course. I love it! I named it Lillith.
I want a Serger, too...
I actually had some trouble with mine, but it was my fault. I thought the tension control was the stitch length, haha. But its all good and now I'm wearing my bracelets, skirt, and shirt I made with my new machine!!
I've been sewing all day.
Ahhhh so happy
New sewing machine
Theres this show, Psych that I watch, and it had a "tuesday the 17th" episode making fun of the 80s Friday the 13th.
So this boy (my brothers friend) was over watching it and I was explaining it to him and I was like "its making fun of the 80s friday the 13th"
and hes like "THATS NOT AN 80s MOVIE"
Happy birthday!!
Yay queenie!!
My sewing machine shipped today :]
And I got to hang out with one of my friends, and back to school night is thursday.
Central. Market. Fajitas.
Soooo good, and I usually hate mexican food. Its really taking every ounce of willpower I have to not eat them all out of the pan, haha.