Posts by Courtney Couture

    I've never like taken a quiz or anything but I think I'd be put in Ravenclaw, too, haha.

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    Sirius Black. He's super awesome. And, btdubs, I'd hit that.

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    I want to learn to make my own patterns, but I can't find any books on it. does anyone know of any?

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    I love the looking glass wars.

    Brisingr, right now

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    I've had that too, missing characters when they are gone. Sometimes I consider them my friends, and when the book is over I miss them Happy

    I identified somewhat with Elphaba from Wicked, so I missed her. And I also kind of identify with Schyuler Van Alen from the blue bloods series, so I kind of subconsciously consider her a friend

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    unwind by neal schusterman

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    ooh cool ill check that our

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    I like 17 magazone Happy i think that they have a great section on Body Peace and are more focused on loving your own body instead of looking to other for approval.
    Also, they have great workouts which is cool...and good tips for eating right, but none of it is drastic or unhealthy or anything.

    Although I find I cant really relate to the style articles as much but thats just me

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    is a good word.
    its like you put magnificent and eloquent together and mashed them into a delicious word mashed potato concotion of buttery goodness


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    just finished It and Carrie, starting Nightmares and Dreamscapes. I'm on a Stephen King binge atm.

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    Reading IT by Stephen King

    the only book that has actually kept me awake at night creeped out

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    love life of pi!

    and yeah, i need to go out and buy the demonata series, ive read the first 4

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    Darren shan rocks. Have you read the Demonata series?

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    I LOVED The Road.

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    You should michelle! And stephie I liked your poem!
    Mine are all sad, heres a more recent one of mine
    No More
    I'm tired of it,
    Tired of you telling me who to be,
    And how to feel,
    And being scorned either way
    No more,
    I'm breaking free
    I'm getting away
    And I'm done with you

    voila. i like it.

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