Posts by Courtney Couture

    brothers who take 1.5 hours in the shower and use YOUR shower stuff

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    you dont need to read this i just wanted to rant
    you know my other thread "ive been deserted :"...well this is a continuation

    Why can't people see me for who I am, not who I was?? I like movies like the Crow, and the Covenant, and the Grudge. and i like music from Seether and Linkin' Park. WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME?! yeah, i am kinda dark. i do wear black most of the time. i dont like preps. WHY CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT??????!!! Please, just once, see me for who I am!

    and please, please, dont say youre so annoyed at me for not talking when whenever i do i get shot down and insulted. please.

    done now. thanks for reading!!

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    people not seeing you for who you are. ever. EVER. even when you trust them, and consider them your close friends.

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    yaaay typo rampage!!

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    yep. robots might try MIND CONTROL lol.

    but i dont care about the typos i love this site anyways XD

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    it takes a while for my log-in bar at the top to load, but CO+K loves meeeee lol kidding Dis.

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    aw thats mean. but i still love this site! typos are a part of life u cant get around them ;]

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    i need to start christmas shopping, thankfully im ordering most of it online. tomorrow we have free dress, then the next week off for thanksgiving!

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    yeah i know. its just that ive been friends with them for a rlly long time...well whatever. they can deal. or i can deal. or maybe i cant. UGH!

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    "I'm glad we're at the point where a woman CAN become a 4 star general.... I just wish we were at the point where it didn't matter if a woman was a 4 star general, noone even noticed she was a woman. I'm just waiting for that time."

    Me too Dis.

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    yeah I should talk to them about it. It's just that I don't think that they will try to understand where I'M coming from :\

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    that was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. Thank you!

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    Ok, here's the dealio. So I just got a boyfriend, right? And I really like him, right? But ok...the election was about 2 weeks ago. And one of my best friends is Muslim.

    Long story short, he made some comments about Obama and she got offended and now 2 WEEKS LATER it's my fault and I'm supposed to talk to him about it, even though 2 FUCKIN' WEEKS ago she didn't mention anything. Oh, and it's also my fault that he said these things. I AM NOT THE SAME AS MY BOYFRIEND. Alex does not equal Courtney. Alex is DATING Courtney. Oh, yeah, she should understand that because all her life she's been classified as a terrorist because she is Muslim. But she didn't even take the time to see my side of the story, and I took the time to see where she was coming from.

    And now my OTHER best friend sided with her saying "i don't have a legit reason to be mad". So now I have no best friends.

    as I side note:: I am not racist, and I do not appreciate racism in any kind or form whatsoever. Just to let you know.

    And I was on the brink of tears all day :.

    Thanks for reading.

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    WTF?! Who wants to steal a church? That's messed up...

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    I love both. But I lovelovelovelove to read. My nose has been buried in a book ever since I could read.

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