Posts by Courtney Couture

    i feel so lazy

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    We could do something like that! Our school is supposed to be very open minded so try have to at least consider it, right?

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    my school has so many homophobic people
    its ridiculous

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    yeah seriously! i just dont get that is love! god, it isnt the middle ages, the bible isnt law anymore
    wow that was offensive
    but still, people have to right to be with who they love in the 21st century!

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    seriously, stuff like this needs to stop

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    i hope she thought it was fictional. although if she saw the ending with all the info about what the people went on to do after the assassination and the photos, she mustve known

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    My throat hurt all day and I was so exhausted
    I've worked out 10 minutes in total this week
    6 more weeks to get through....
    silly carpool girl was annoying nothing new but still. UGH.

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    i know! i was like OMG that was a real person who stood up for what he believed in and refused to stay in the closet, and he got shot.

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    thats not cool!

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    thanks queenie Happy

    i feel like i have too many rants [which of course is another rant]....i should stop complaining so much

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    Thats TERRIBLE! They were 11!!!

    I can't BELIEVE people would do shit like that. This morning, the girl we carpool with saw the DVD of Milk on our table and she was like "thats a funny movie" i was like "why??" and she said it was because she thought it was funny at the end when harvey milk gets assassinated.
    she said she had "a wierd sense of humor"
    to which i replied "thats not a sense of humor"

    god i was about to kill her

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    I saw milk it was amazing.

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    I'm not really an adult yet but I'm 13 so hey I feell your pain! I hate breakouts...anyways, I used Noxema and it worked really well, I also got just some mask I don't know what it was called but it like...heated up on your face? Or something, but it really cleared up my breakouts.

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    hm...the formal is coming up and everyone is getting asked by boys to the dance. i dunno, for the first time ive kinda been wishing there was a guy for me who would ask ME to the dance...

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