Can you control focus on your camera? because it looks like what you are looking for is a very soft focus.
depending on the quality and settings on your camera it may be as simple as turning some knobs.
other than that, you can tea-stain the paper after printing.
The Diana Camera keeps a very soft focus and vibrant colors so you might look into if there is a way to duplicate the look on your camera.
good luck!
Posts by Asherah Arts (formerly Lee Rose)
I just bought an instax! I'm so excited! Can't wait for it to get here!. @catmorley have you tried using any homemade lenses with it?
1. For normal skin with pink watermelon fragrance= B-fresh
2. Ticks repellent= B-ticked off
3. For pimples skin= B-lemish B gone
4. For dandruff skin= B-lieve it!
5. For sensitive skin= B-lax (relax)
6. Unscented for cats= B-eowtiful
puns are a thing in my household
@catmorley has a great swapping system, I don't know if one of their admins might be able/willing to help...
I know they are ridiculously high priced, but the instax are so.darn.cute...!
how do they work? any tips for using? (if one mysteriously did fall into my lap lol) what sort of pictures do they take? good? bad? ugly?
I'm wisting after the neo-classic, which looks like my old minolta and the pictures look very much like the ones from the old diana toy cameras. In this fantasy land I would also have the heidi swapp white and gold cozy for it ^u^
Which one would you get?
Anyone know something that I could use to glue things to a canvas as well as seal them? for some reason separate glue and sealant seem to pull apart, and acrylic gel medium is getting expensive!
No to Mod Podge....
I've heard of a project where you crochet around a bar of soap so that you get a scrubby and it also saves it from melting so much. I've tried this several times now, and everytime the bag stretches so that all the soap is at one end and gooshing out between stitches.
Anyone ever done these with success? Any pro-tips?
Just discovered a quickie project that I will post a tut for soon.
one of my friends is super-preggers, and I always call her baby "My Little Muffin"
so for her shower I made her a felt and yarn stuffed muffin. it was super easy, super cheap, and she loved it.
anyone else have quickie projects like this to pull out of a hat in case of birthday/anniversary/shower?

We just moved into a house with 6 other people so our spices are SUCH A WRECK!!! Everyone brought their own so we basically have [at least] 7 of just about every single general herb or spice(many of us have lived with other roommates who abandoned spices, so really its more like 15 peoples spice cabinets). We took 2 hours the other day to combine and condense them and made a small dent in the pile.
My plan is to get small ceramic/glass lidded jars with spoons for the everyday use herbs and just have them organised by colour (white for salt, off-white for garlic, red for spicy pepper, black for pepper, green for basil, you get the idea) then stash the rest. Since we have so many people in the house, we are looking into buying bulk herbs and just grinding them with a coffee grinder as needed.
I love doing teeny tiny papercraft projects!
Matchbox altars are fun.
Inchies bother me because i hate square format (but will do similar things, just rectangular)
atc's are so much fun!
quilling i'm just getting into
tags are definitely my fav!
Does anyone know any other small format things to play around with?
I thought about doing something fairy-garden-y but I'm kinda burned out on that whole lot (working at a major craft store can ruin some things really quickly for you)
Try the kids hair accessories!
I use the little kids clippys in my bangs, and headbands that don't look overbearing in short hair.
Not really a craft book, but a great one for anyone doing visual art is Color Theory: An essential guide to color-from basic principles to practical applications. But its not all just boring theory! (granted I like color theory but usually others don't share my enthusiasm) It explains pigments on a timeline, going from earliest to most modern, as well as transperency/opacity, colorfastness, etc. It also has a wonderful section comparing dye and pigment inks, which is something that I've found is really hard to explain plainly (I teach classes)
amazon link :
Guerrilla Art Kit is also pretty great, lots of low cost and environmentally friendly ways to make outdoor art. Plus, most of the classic recipes like wheatpaste, envelope mucilage, etc
oh my god, i just want to write about my wonderful library...!!!!
Hi Cheryl! I'm from Missouri too!
I actually use ultra thick embossing enamel [UTEE] in lieu of resin.... Its a very flexible medium because you can use it in jewellery, papercrafts, and small sculpture.
Basically its just a powder that you get hot (with a hot plate or heat tool) that turns into hard plastic after it melts.
I am posting this to find out...
I won a couple giveaways at the beginning of last year, and I've tried to be patient, but the prizes haven't arrived yet. Anyone else had this experience? If so, how long did it actually take?