Posts by Asherah Arts (formerly Lee Rose)

    I would be interested! I'll have to check my library and get you a list of titles

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    I'm planning on writing a few tutorials on how I've opened my business.

    right now i'm planning on one for a mailing station, a photo station, and just general merchandise tracking.

    Anything else I can fill in?

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    I would love to do a day of the dead/halloween swap! Perfect timing to get it in time!

    anyone down?

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    What have you been altering recently? any total rehabs?

    I have some faux leather pants to take in, and a large mens t shirt to turn into a dress.

    and i'm sure a few others.Sewing

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    If you still need help I would be willing to help too!

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    I'm just dropping into it. which means I have the supplies but haven't tried it yet. planning to on my next day off!

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    You can scavenge shrink plastic. anything that is #5 recyclable will shrink

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    I have made myself a promise.
    Picasso made 50000+ pieces in his lifetime. My goal is to get to that or beat him. To do that I would have to make 2-4 pieces every day (depending on if I live to 60 or 90) and I'm going to do it. Doesn't matter if its a quick sketch, I've been using a paint program on my phone as well, just make something, get something out there.

    Who's with me?!

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    Here is an easy one:

    What are your favourite yarns and why?

    Sugar and Cream (100% cotton!!!)
    Fun Fur (because its just fun!)
    Red Heart soft (reasonably priced and big colour selection)
    Patons Kroy Socks FX (so darn pretty and mostly wool!)
    Anything Megabulky but not fuzzy (so satisfyingly quick to make things)
    Issac Mizrahi Yarns (beautiful color combinations I <3 Issac])

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    fusible interfacing just give you the benefit of having more body to your fabric, which for knits aka tshirts, makes it much easier. if you are just not wanting to have the stiff feeling, use water-soluble interfacing so it will melt the first time you wash the quilt.

    So basically its definitely not necessary but will make your life easier. I had read somewhere about quilters using glad press-n-seal as interfacing too

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    Copy away!!! Happy

    I made some spice mixes the other day and put them in little jars I had picked up (with tiny spoons! squeeeee!) and labeled with paint pens.

    Other than that I organised the pile we had (took 2 hours just to condense!) and sorted them by color lol. red green yellow and white. easy enough system and simpler than alphabetical

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    I can't take a picture (because I've dragged them all out) but i keep all my illustration markers in a makeup case because it has the wonderful lift out trays! at this point I am totally obsessed with makeup cases for craft supply organisation. I want a big rolly one!

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    Ohmigosh YES!
    thank you for giving me the motivation to look into local craft faires again!

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    my solution is always, just start doing it. the motivation will follow. I'm manic-depressive though so if i let that feeling get on top of me it gets much worse. I normally pick an easy project like defacing a magazine page, then that gets the juices flowing.

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    @mischieviousraven color filters for the instax are freakishly cheap on ebay. Like 6 bucks cheap.

    My instax has a flaw Cry trying to fix it now....

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