Posts by kiddo

    I hope to send out this coming week. It's all packed up ready to go, I just have to make sure I have the funds. Ruby and I have been in contact.

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    What? I don't keep up with the news, so I had no idea. I'm a Christian as well, but this would upset me just as badly if it were happening to the Islamic, Buddhist, or any other religion. It's just wrong to try and prohibit anyone from practicing their religion (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else of course). Outrageous!

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    Kiddo sent off today! I was supposed to yesterday, but never made it out of the house. I sent it priority today so it should be there in a couple of days. Melissa said that she'd try to send off this week, but I'm in no hurry coz she had a death in the family and I know how taxing that can be. But we are in communication.

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    OMG, Alex! I need to quit then! Gaga, you need to quit now while you're not horribly addicted. Nicotine addiction may only last 4 hours, but the psychological addiction lasts forever! I started smoking about like you do, Gaga, when I was 18 and now I'm a pack a day smoker at 32. I wish that I had quit back when I didn't feel a horrible need for a cig, but now it's so much a part of my psyche that it feels impossible to quit. Save your lungs, and your tits, and quit!

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    It's the same way with me and my sister. I was the first so my baby book is all filled out and my sister's has basically nothing in it. Parents are so excited with the birth of their first child that they tend to do all that nostalgic stuff, but when the second one comes along, they are tired, busy, and honestly just forget. So don't take it personally. They love ya! Early happy birthday youngin'. Oh to be 20 again. I don't think I would be 20 again! lol I hope you have a great birthday!

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    Good luck!

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    The little rocket must have fallen out. The package was open when I got it. Happy

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    I got my package from Em today! It's so cool! She made me Cthulhu!

    Thanks, Em!

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    Yay! I'm glad you like them, Kitty!

    Here are mine from Magic Sprinkles! So kawaii! Thanks, Erin!

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    I got mine from Magic Sprinkles on Monday. Sorry I haven't posted pics yet, but my computer is so slow and it takes forever to upload pics from my camera. I will do it, promise. Just lazy right now, but wanted to let you know I got Erin's package and it is AWESOME!

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    Partner Name: <b>Magic Sprinkles</b>
    Swap Name: <b>Little Plushie Swap Round 3</b>
    Did your partner keep in communication with you? <b>Yes</b>
    Were the rules of the swap adhered to? <b>Yes, she made me some awesome little kawaii plushies which I love! Erin is a great partner to have, I've had her twice.</b>

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    I love this idea, I just don't know if I could do it right now because I'm knee deep in projects already. I'll keep checking back to see if you do it b/c I'd really like to, just don't know if I have the time or motivation right now.

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    Personally, I think it should be each swapper's responsibility to list their swaps on their profile page. It's just too much for one person to keep up with. If you're a vet like me, it is a bear to go back through all the threads of swaps and make a list of the ones you've been in (I couldn't remember all of them off the top of my head), but it wasn't as bad as I thought. If someone is new to swapping it'll be easy for them to update it on their profile as they complete each swap. Just my two cents.

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    @Violetta, sounds like one of the ladies might be making some extra cash for herself! lol

    @Michelle US/Canadian post has gotten better, but it's still like shipping a package to Europe and it's just right across the border! Mexico/US shipping has to be the worst! It seems like it takes forever for me to get a package from Ale or Omar and vice versa. I think it takes longer to get one coming into the US from Mexico though. I'd say customs really takes there time with Mexican/US packages b/c of drug smuggling across the border.

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    Hey everyone! It's good to have you all here! You'll love it!

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