Posts by kiddo

    I've been applying for jobs online recently and you have to upload your resume and they usually don't support PDF (thanks for mentioning that b/c I always forget I can use that on e-mail attachments), but most support a text document. I finally found out what an iPad is. Very cool!

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    I mainly just use twitter to communicate with a couple of friends who seem to only communicate via tweet these days. I was using it a lot to promote my Etsy shop. It really works for shop promotion.

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    I'm an addict. I'll admit it. I don't see why anyone would want to use a PC after having used a Mac. My last PC was always crashing, but not my trusty MacBook! I get really annoyed when things aren't compatible with Mac's. For instance, my new smartphone won't sync up with my Mac via USB cable but I found a way to share some things like photos using Bluetooth. I can almost never e-mail other people documents such as resumes because I use iWorks as opposed to Microsoft. So I have to copy and paste the document into the body of the e-mail which looks less than professional.

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