Posts by kiddo

    Here's a picture, but I'm still on the case.

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    A: Light bulb companies have a special cache of lightening bugs/fireflies that they use to power their bulbs.

    Q: Who invented music?

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    I'm assuming you mean a cheerleading skirt, if not I'm sorry, but if so . . . here you go!,,DIY_13751_4619159,00.html

    Someone find me any kind of pattern for a cute monster plushie that only requires hand sewing (b/c I can't use a sewing machine yet).

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    I love Shivi's pic! It's so original . . . the grey complexion! I'm just messing with you Shivi. I still can't upload project pics either. Getting a little frustrated . . . Sug's kids are adorable.

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    I like the girl who is dressed up in the "We Can Do It" costume. I think her name is Rachel.

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    A: The Moon is made out of glow in the dark styrofoam.

    Q: Why do boys never call when they say they will?

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    A: Babies come from a magical land that can only be reached through a whimsical portal in the back seat of a car. Not all cars have whimsical portals that lead to the magical land of babies. Just the cars with the smallest of backseats. At least that's what my mother told me . . .

    Q: Who invented toilet paper?

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    I read banana, instead of bandana. I think that the next person who reads this must make a headband out of a banana peel. And it must be worn in public (preferably before it turns brown)! I'd do it, but I just ate my last banana and the trash man came yesterday . . . I'm so full of it!!!

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    I nominate Michelle G. because her picture is awesome!

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    A: Because they use a lot of sunscreen.

    Q: What is cheese made out of?

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    thinks (or if you're from the Southern USA like I am, "thangs")

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