
61 replies since 6th April 2008 • Last reply 6th April 2008

Eurgh I hate Kate Nash, but I didn't know she could be bad live, it's not like her music is wonderfully talented anyway!

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Truck was wicked. Even though on sunday morning I vowed never to go again.
I guess I'm only saying it was wicked because of sunday night, but that was probably the most fun I've ever ever ever had.

I barely saw anyone really. On Saturday I sat outside the tent while Dodgy (remember them) were playing. My boyfriend wanted to see them in some sort of ironic way. My god, I was bored out of my mind... later I saw The Lemonheads who were boring mostly apart from their second encore, that was good. Nobody was shouting for an encore though, they were playing crowd music into the audience to make it seem like people were so the Lemonheads would come back. genius!

sunday was wicked though... we saw camera obscura, or cammy obby as they are now known, and then went for a bit of the bronsteins, after which i told the singer "she was very good and she oughta be proud" and then the magic numbers were around us and it was a bit awkward, and then we saw The Research and they were fab, then we saw Piney Gir and she was amazing as ever, before ending with 'the wedding singers' who aren't a band.. it was just entertainment. it was a whole bunch of special guests (most of whom didn't actually turn up) playing cover versions of famous songs.. the kind you get at weddings. so basically it was just a load of bad, mad drunken dancing. so much fun. especially when they did bohemian rhapsody, and nobody on stage really knew how it went... until the rocking out bit and then the whole tent full of normally reserved indie kids just went wild. my god, my god. i nearly died in excitement.

i realise no-one'll read that... and i don't care! <3

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Haha the drummer from Dodgy is a fucking weird guy!

That sounds really good =)

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has anyone got a leeds weekend ticket for sale my friend is desperate?

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just got back from V, i was working vip bar and I mistakenly thought it would be amazing. er not.
had some great c-list celebs in tho, and I snuck off to see some prodigy.
and I'm working reading this weekend!

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Reading Reading Reading *dances*

We had SUCH trouble! Beth bought the tickets off a fake website, so we found out on Monday we weren't getting tickets. She decided we'd try and buy some on ebay, which I was worried about, but there was already all this trouble that if we weren't going, our train tickets were wasted but luckily the tickets came today so we shall still be going =)

Only problem is, Beth is most excited about Rage and wants to be at the front, but they finish at 11:30 and our train is at midnight which we CAN'T MISS, so I'm gonna have to drag her away fairly early. She's not gonna be happy

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half 11? so they'd go on at what 10? half 9? mmm maybe miss the last half an hour, it's hard but at least she's seen them. Wave at Josh Homme for me!!! :'(

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They went on at about quarter past ten (should have been ten).

God we had such a rush getting out though! There was an exit right by the main stage, so we stayed until 11:15 then tried to go out, but just as we were about to leave this asshole security guard suddenly decided it was a disabled exit (I'm not being silly, we checked earlier and it was fine to go out, it was the proper exit with a taxi rank at the bottom, but this guy came along and went "Right, we're changing this to a disabled exit, don't let anyone else out"), so me and Beth freaked out, we didn't know the place and the way we came in was really far so we just clung to each other and ran round crying and just begging people to help us. We managed to get our train though, thank god.

Josh Homme was rubbish, I'm sorry. I love Queens of the Stoneage, but during No One Knows he forgot the lyrics and the whole thing fell apart - it was horrible to watch. Rage were great though, although they went overboard with the communist stars. And Serj was greaaat and so very sexy. He did a cover of the Abba In A Rich Man's World? I dunno if that's what it's called but that's what it says.

I took some bad herbal highs though and felt really ill most of the day. I was on my own for like half an hour and someone stole my hat, then people kept kicking me and shouting in my face. I really didn't like it there. I'm glad I saw the bands, but most of the people were assholes

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Glad you got home ok.

Yeh I saw Queens on tv, I was disappointed. They just finished their world tour and they always push themselves too much. It just wasn't like you usually get and I feel awful about it cuz I love them Happy

I just had the piss taken out of me on their board, it's not hard to do like but I don't get what it just turned into and I was in an iffy mood before and now I can't even describe my mood Happy I don't go on there much, guess why.

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Oh right, what about? Most forums are full of idiots anyone (except this one <3)

I know, it's such a shame, they were really good up till that point and I felt SO bad for him. Luckily the crowd were alright though

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Of course, Queens are legends Happy I think they were trying to just take it easy since Rage were gonna (and did) rock the shit out of the place.

I can't be arsed going into the board thing, but yep idiots.

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Haha yeah. My friend stayed on the barrier all day so she could be at the front for Rage, but when they started she got dragged back into the crowd, but she just screamed so loud that the security guards pulled her out! Apparently it was mad

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I don't think I'd like being in a crowd that big.

When I went to Move in Manchester I got beer thrown all over me and this guy pushed through using his elbow and he was all sweety and smelly and when Dead 60's played in a club in town this girl stood on my foot with her HEELS but she said sorry but I was cut! and I moved for this lad to get past cuz i thought he was going to his mates and he turned to me and said 'YEH i'm pushing past' :o

Like I said on the first page my proper festival expeirence lasted 24 hours and I didn't even see any bands! but it was terrible from the word go! so I've been majorly put off. I don't really go see that many bands cuz there's not a lot of bands I want to see but I'm seeing James in December and I'm gonna go see NIN and QOTSA next time they're in Liverpool or Manchester definatly definatly the next time!

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Well normally I love festivals, but I think you either love them or hate them. Next year I'm gonna go to Glastonbury, Download and Secret Garden Party. But the ONLY way I'll go back to Reading is if Rammstein headline, and I think there's much bigger chance of them headlining at Download

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poor QOTSA, they were awful. and I'm sorry, but Metallica were shit, and so were the Killers. Bloc Party and Biffy Clyro were probably the best acts, along with dropkick murphys and tenacious d. Rage were Rage. Reading was a bit intense, we got out of there before riots.
I was working at the soft drink tent facing main stage, so I saw everything on there, though I wish I could have seen the stuff in the tents. I had to serve Relentless which is maybe the vilest drink on earth (it stained my hand yellow) and pour it from the cans into the cups so it shredded my fingertips opening all those cans.
we sold out fast and so I got abuse from underage scene kids absolutely tanked off their faces on caffiene, fun times!

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