Top Comic Books?
That's no good, why isn't it there?!
But JTHM has everything. It has comedy, gore, logic, philosophy, the devil as a cheerleader, mysterious creatures... And it's the original thing with Squee in!
Because amazon are smelly!!!
in Bear there was a subtle joke about dead girls (lenore, which I must buy) and homocidal maniacs I think it's the drawing I don't like the look of looks too real!
But it's sooo funny. He goes on a rampage in a coffee bar and kills people for really trivial reasons like not blowing their nose or wearing an ugly tie.
I didn't like Bear that much =S thought it was a bit dull
mmm it's getting a bit dull, even though the 2nd one I've looked through and laughed at that I duno
Just got one of the Nightmares and Fairytales =) I didn't realise but the one I got was illustrated by Crab Scrambley, the guy who illustrated Everything Can Be Beaten! And they mentioned Jhonen Vasquez in it <3
I've started reading it...bit scary for me hehehe not really liking it at the mo.
Haha I was reading it on the bus earlier and it's all these horrible images of people being ripped apart. I really like Mr Scrambley's drawings though, they're very Edward Gorey-ish
yeh i'd turn over a page and just feel like the same shock as i do watching an ikky horror film! IKKY!
I have Nightmares and Fairytales on my wishlist I hope to get the comic store to order some in for me, it looks interesting
Earlier when I was drying my hair I got freaked out thinking about it =P I don't normally dry my hair because I don't like not being able to hear what's going on behind me and I kept thinking about the dead girl chained to the stove and turned round expecting to see her. I am very silly
batman ROCKS!!! I<3 him
I bought this: at a flea market for 1.50€
But yes, Marvel comics are pretty much the best.
They were my favourtite as a child (and still are), along with Asterix, Tintin, and these Brazilian comics:
I just got the 1st Couriers comic by Brian wood. It's the 300 of comics....wait a second
BATMAN!!! one of the only DC Comics I like. I'm definatley a Marvel Girl. But Batman is my favorite comic series ever!
I also like the horror series, freddy krueger and the pinhead comics
oh, and, when I was around 9 or 10 or something, my uncle died and left me his archie collection, and I've been in love ever since.
I love love love Batman, especially the Frank Miller ones! And other than that I only really like Jhonen Vasquez comics
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