I don't cut!
omg the last time...
I was walking with my dogs... And a boy said : "hey emo...how is life?...How do you do that with the razorblades,theyr getting kinda expensive huh?"
That's just...idiotic. Talking about razorblades getting expensive? You shoulda set your dog on him. "Kill, kill!".
Yehh mabey I should do that... lol XD
ignoring is the best way, they eventually get bored- it's happened to one of my friends and after a while they just forgot about her. So just completely and utterly ignore, don't even look at them. Eventually they'll find someone else to pick on- which is sad but that's just the way the world works...
if their bothering you about your style say
"just say im not as weak minded as others im not going to point any elbows" then point your elbows in their general direction then say "im sorry i dont feel like i have to conform to fit the latest trends i guess my mother must have taught me to think for myself i can tell by looking at you that you must not have reached that level of maturity yet then befor they can say anything walk away" they will be so shocked they will probley never talk to you agin because of how stupid and insignificant youll make them feel
if its about cutting say
"i dont cut myself but you know what everyday ppl do hundreds of thousands of ppl and its really sad to think that the world could be missing out on the person who could cure cancer or aids because they killed their self over some one makeing stupid comments like you im just glad that i can ignor such ignorance and go about my dayly life with out thinking twice about your chatty comments you shallow superficial bitch ok scratch those last words but you get the point
Ghehehe x3 I'm gonna try
no problem tell me how it gos
omg I've just remember about when I was in the 1st year of high school I dyed my hair with wash out hair dye, it was red so people kept calling me redgy particularly this one boy. And so when the dye washed out he started to call be ex-redge. And that sounds like X redge as in a type of car so he kept saying have I pass my M.O.T so one day he said 'Hey x redge have you passed your M.O.T' as usually and I said 'no, because you drive me crazy' his face was a picture 'um what?' he said haha.
And another time this lad hadn't turned up for a class he'd been in school but went home, so in this class the teacher said 'anybody seen chris' and I said 'um I think I saw him before' not realising that he'd left and his girlfriend who was in that class was trying to cover for him and she was like 'Oh well done Emma' but the teacher already knew he'd wagged it anyway. So then the next day or a few days later he came over to me like 'Why did you tell Mrs. *can't remember her name!* that I wagged it' and I had been rehersing my retort so I said 'She already knew actually so get your facts right' or something and he was like 'um oh'
So yeh give em a clever retort Shame I couldn't give clever retorts earlier or to the people who picked on me most, but they were my only 'friends' or my self esteem had been worn down too much so I couldn't think of anything to say back! So do it now while you can
oo I feel so much better about some things that happened about school now after remembering the above, even 3 years later it still angers me! So yeh give em what for!
People, especially in high school will always use stereotypes. It's best to not acknowledge it, not even joke with it. What you answer to is what they'll confront you with. You don't have to ignore it, but if you choose to then don't over-do it. Eventually, they'll become tired of it and back off.
I'm sorry but I think if you'll see what Corrie said, you'll have the crap beaten out of you. Maybe not but I know if I said that I would have been kicked into the floor. Idiots who make jokes about cutting aren't gonna care if you give them a telling off, and it'll only reinforce their belief that you do self harm. You can't make bullies feel stupid and insignificant; I've tried. That's the problem with stupid teenagers, they're so fucking apathetic that if you try to make them feel bad they'll just go "Bleh, I don't care, I'm too cool to care".
Queenie I love hearing about funny nicknames, they get really out of hand and it's just brilliant =P
it was not funny at the time! as morrissey says I can laugh now but at the time it was terrible!
I know what you mean. I think now that it's hilarious I almost got beaten up because I got a reputation as someone who sleeps with seventy year old men, but at the time it was really traumatic
I think I was lucky in secondary school that we had a uniform which had long sleeves, so no one was subjected to any hassle, unless you did p.e, which I didn't after I was 16. I was pretty clueless about self harm until I was finishing school and I had already missed the signs of it in a friend who had dropped out of school and I subsequently lost contact with, so even though some people may see this as a "scene" thing to do, to be cool or whatever, it's not just that.
So if you think someone may be harming themselves, don't slag them, ask them why? I wish I had.
People don't know how to react to these sorts of things (weee off topic!). At one point I had had enough of my 'friends' and even their sisters were picking on me on the way to school at that time as well as another group so on the way to maths it came up and I was getting angrier and I came out with 'I'm fucking suicidal!' I think this girl was actually rather shocked and felt guilty but these people seemed to be as in touch with emotion and psycology as a cave man/woman. She took this to mean that I was actually going to kill myself! The next day I went into school and a friend had become the messenger and preferred being friends with a bitch rather then getting involved with my mess and she said that the other girl's mum had told her not to be friends with me. Wow great all I need. I walked out of school. I think I was off for a week or something and when I came back people were like 'oh I thought you were dead' rumours that I'd killed myself because of my hair went round as well as that I was a lesbian (which I'm not) and also got confused with rumours that i'd died of a disease that someone else had the year previous. It's all a bit of a blur now though I don't really remember properly but I hardly went to school at the end of the 4th year and at the beginning of the 5th year. No one could understand why I wouldn't go to school when the bullying had stopped, even the resident counsiller! I had a lot of fights with my mum, other family members got involved and the head of year in year 11 was horrible to me acting like I was a bad kid.
So anyway, I remember being sat on these steps we used to sit on and most of the girls in the group i had started to hang about with had self harmed. Some of them were just attention seeking and I don't wanna be all 'excuse me I'm the victim' but some of them had no reason to self harm. Considering how much shit I went through I only self harmed once but recently I tried again, I have no idea why, don't panic it won't happen again. I didn't show anyone my cuts (when I actually broke the skin, 1st time only time) and told my mum the dog had sractched me the last thing you think is that your daughter has purposely hurt herself. But basically because people freak out about these things and don't help unless they're a counsiller and even then they don't help much. 'Emma why are you so pale and depressed looking all the time' because I fucking am and you aren't helping!!! Asking me if I was anorexic was probably the funniest thing, if you're so concerned why are you being such a bitch!? Anyway that was supposed to help you opposites about your friend but it turned into a rant. I feel better though haha.
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