Stealing as a child.

65 replies since 26th June 2008 • Last reply 26th June 2008

Oh okay, like felt pens

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aah so you call them 'felt pens'. I've heard of that but no-one here would say that

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felt tips! cuz the tips are felt!!! my nan used to get me loads of them. I love the ones you used to get in school but they'd all be crap because of how many messy and rude people used them!!!

I didn't really want to go into my stealing antics incase we all got arrested or everyone was like 'shame on you!' but since no one has been like that the last thing I stole was a few months ago, just a pack of polos but everytime i went into this shop for a while I felt so bad! The biggest, most expensive thing I stole was a pair of 3/4 length pants! They were in the changing room of this shop so i ripped the label off and shoved it in my bag but it took a long time to decide if i should or not, there was a jumper too but I decided not to risk it, it was such a releif when i went through the doors and no alarms went off lol that was about 2 or 3 years ago. I said a friend gave them to me cuz they were too big for her! And anything else was when i was in early teens and it would be just anything we could get away with but mostly make up.

There's a place in Manchester that people steal all sorts from! People I've known have said that people have stolen like huge big gothic dresses from there!

Dis - "warHappyn.) Terrorism with a budget" that's ace lol!

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I'm always tempted when I go into the changing rooms with stuff and no one checks how much you take in, and you notice that dress you like doesn't have a tag on it...
But then I just get too paranoid and can't do it

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i think all kids do it Happy
when i waws little i took a little mirro and my brother told on me my mom busted my but and made me take it back Happy
now that i have children of my my own i realize its a part of childhood my oldest son once took a bag of chips and a juice i useually get him one when we go so hes used to it but i wasnt paying attention and apparently the storekeeper wasnt either we got down the street and i went to grab his hand so we could cross the street and i was confused because i wasnt sure if i payed for them or not then i came to the conclusion i hadnt so we went back and he gave the guy the money

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I don't think I've ever stolen anything from a store. I've always been too afraid of getting caught for one thing, and for another I didn't really feel the need too. Like if my parents wouldn't buy me something or I didn't have enough money I just did without it. I haven't really even thought about stealing much. Though I heard that at walmart if you take something less than 20$ you won't get in much trouble. But I think they changed that policy.

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I remember another time when I stole stuff from school. God I must have been a jealous little girl when I was little, always wanting others stuff. Anyhoo, one of the spoilt little girl's in the class had the latest barbie doll. It was a tatto barbie and came with it's own little tatoos for it. So at recess while no-one was looking I sneaked past the staffroom(that was so dodgy, looking back on it) and into ourclass and took it from her desk or wherever the hell it was and put it in my bag. I don't think anyone noticed that it had been taken, that day anyway. At home I was playing with it and my Dad saw it and asked where I got it from, I said I'd found it in the sandpit and had brushed all the sand out of it's hair. My Dad said we had to give it in to the lost property at the school office. I don't remember anyone mentioning anything about it after that. It's a shame I never really got to keep any of the stuff I stole. Well, until tomorrow, that all for now folks!

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I've never needed to steal but I blame coming from a 'broken home' and peer presure and stuff!

That thing at Wallmart - stealing is usually illegal where ever you are from, whether it's $1 or $50 but sometimes these places will let you off and make you a bit scared so you never do it again. They wouldn't be like 'how much is that '19.99!?' ok you can just keep it! I doubt they had an actual policy.

But I don't think anyone here actually condons stealing it's not like we're gonna rob a bank, it's just funny because it was when we were younger.

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I think some places, if it's a fairly small amount you can just pay it or hand it back. But most places now seem to have a firm prosecuting policy.

As a side note, the wedding shop which is part of the craft shop I work in got robbed =( someone broke in on a Sunday night (which is really hard to do - it's in a covered market area, and apparently he managed to open a window high up at the top, drop down onto the building, then onto the floor) and stole a ton of stuff. Mostly unmarked pillows and favours and things, so we're thinking his mate hasn't got enough money for his wedding or something. He handed himself in, apparently he was on drugs, but they weren't able to get the stuff back because it's evidence. I had the fun job of clearing out the box of parasols for bits of broken glass though. Rubbish.

Not that I'm saying it's the same thing, there's a big difference between taking drugs then breaking into a building, smashing glass and stealing half a shop, and nicking a couple of pounds worth of stuff

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I think some places, if it's a fairly small amount you can just pay it or hand it back. But most places now seem to have a firm prosecuting policy.

As a side note, the wedding shop which is part of the craft shop I work in got robbed =( someone broke in on a Sunday night (which is really hard to do - it's in a covered market area, and apparently he managed to open a window high up at the top, drop down onto the building, then onto the floor) and stole a ton of stuff. Mostly unmarked pillows and favours and things, so we're thinking his mate hasn't got enough money for his wedding or something. He handed himself in, apparently he was on drugs, but they weren't able to get the stuff back because it's evidence. I had the fun job of clearing out the box of parasols for bits of broken glass though. Rubbish.

Not that I'm saying it's the same thing, there's a big difference between taking drugs then breaking into a building, smashing glass and stealing half a shop, and nicking a couple of pounds worth of stuff

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here in ohio the walmarts have self checkouts and i knew this lady who would steal so much and act like she was scanning it when she wasnt
then she would go home empty the packages and put in bricks or what ever trash lol its really not funny but anyways she would take it back and get the cash for it so it was kinda like stealing times 2
anyways she did all of this while pregnant and one day she got caught and all they gave her was house arrest she practically got away with it she didnt even have to pay fines crazy huh
and the whole time she was on house arrest she had all the other stuff she stole that they didnt know about to keep her busy brandnew computer camerah everything i mean her house looked like the inside of walmart she even stole her babys crib kinda sad when you think about it
this all happend about four yrs ago now its harder for ppl to get away with that stuff

but i forgot about this back around x mas time me and tim had a gift card and we got some laundry deturgent etc with it well we also got a bottle of wine
which was like 20 not a big deal but while we were in line i was like tim i dont have my id and hes only 19 so befor we could remove it from the cart it was our turn well i didnt want to be like im with my 19 yr old husband and i swear im old enough to buy this but i left my id at home that would have been imbarressing not to mention she probley woulda thought we were lieing anyways so tim started handing her stuff to scan and he would put the bags back in the cart he hid the bottle with stuff we already bought thank god it was busy that day or we woulda got caught but we didnt and we went home and had a nice night and it was special in a way because it was totally unplanned and we got away with it Happy

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lol it is really stupid of us, but in highschool me and my 2 best girl friends would always take things in restaurants. each time we would take silverware or small plates and put them in our "to-go" boxes. we thought one day when we all got our own place we all got our own place we would be living together and need kitchenware.

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I remember this girl in my grade one class had this cute little fluffy dog pen-topper thingo(they were all the rage at the time) and I stole it while she wasn't looking and put it in my tray. I forgot to take it home and for some reason or another she looked in my tray and found it. She said "I was looking for that" and just took it and put it back on her desk. She didn't get angry or anything! I took it again and put it in my tray, again forgetting to take it home and I think I left my tray open and she saw but once again just smiled and put it back on her desk, very strange. Then a couple of days later I took it again but remembered to put it in my bag and I think I still have it now. The girl never said anything about, if that was me I would have dobbed to the teacher straight away!

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when i was five, i took a big bite out of tomatoes in HEB, and flipped them over so no one would see the bitten up side. I still feel icky about it.

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wierd lol

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