Stealing as a child.

65 replies since 26th June 2008 • Last reply 26th June 2008

lots of people steal as children or teenagers even when they know it's wrong it's usually just a phase, but I could never steal anything now, I consider myself as quite a nice law obidding person Happy

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LOL small dogs!!!

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I worked at a shoe store. We had a problem for a long time with a group that was taking orders at local factories and job sites, then lifting steel-toed boots. Finally, the farm supply store at the other end of the shopping center that had the same problem took action that lead to the ring being arrested.

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Fair enough! By the way, I'm not advocating stealing haha. And I think something should definately be done about it if someone is caught. Our security system at Evans was rubbish haha. But I think that shops who don't have alarms or cameras kinda bring it on themselves.

Haha, wigs?! That's awesome!

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I know no one thinks it's a good thing. In fact, I think it's a normal naughty thing for a kid.

The only thing that really bothered me was parents who used their kids to shoplift. Be it strollers or older kids actually doing the stealing. I once caught a little boy taking a left shoe. He was small enough, I felt safe stopping him. Then I found the mate in a bin of socks where his mother was standing. Sick crap. What hope it there for a kid like that?

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I once stole a bracelet from a friend and I still feel really really guilty about that, even though it was over 11 years ago.

I also ate some pick n mix in Asda once and the manager came and got me and took me to the back room and talked me for ages, making me tell him why I didn't think he should phone the police and why I shouldn't go to a Juvenille Detention centre (I was about 10 or 11), before letting me go (I think it was just scare tactics) and banning me from his shop. And yeah- the scare tactics work. I've never ever stolen anything again, and I spent about five years after that feeling so so so so guilty that when I finally managed to stop thinking about it, I'd congratulate myself if I hadn't remembered it for a whole day.

I'm such a wimp.

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That's so harsh of that guy, Roma! I guess it worked but it's obviously like really scarred you. He could have just made you pay up or something.

Yeah it's horrible when parents use their kids for stealing. We had this woman in once and her kid was walking round with a plastic bag putting clothes in. It was obviously so we thought the kid was playing and didn't do anything, and when we told the woman she pretended to get really annoyed. Bitch.

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I think my friend's used the kid's shes babysitting to steal!!! she doesn't do it anymore!

I remember another friend trying to steal my shelly doll when we were little, I'd slept over and I was like 'ok where is my shelly doll!' 'i dunno' 'im not going without her where is she' 'i dont know you have to go now' 'no i must find her' and she opened a draw and shelly was in the draw!!

How about the other way round, shops stealing from you! A local shop will round up the price sometimes, so say it's 4.98 he'll just take a 5er off you and yeh it's only 2p but that adds up! Although if you're short of the price they say it doesn't matter so maybe he's getting it back LOL and sometimes on sundays before they close he says 'would you like a magazine, for your mum maybe' for free trying to get rid of what he didn't sell, I never actually get a magazine because it's all the extra crap that comes with sunday newspapers but it's nice to ask!

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The first thing I ever stole was an Orange marble from Creative Kids [my pre-school] and I was 4 years old. I didn't quite realize that I stole it, I just liked it, so I figured I could have it. lol. I lost it a year later. Happy

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About shops stealing from you...

I was in a little shop in the mall when I was about 13. I was looking at those fancy little candles in various shapes. When I picked one up, some little do-dad came off. It was, maybe, a five dollar item retail, much less at cost. The owner made me pay for the dang thing. I never would have done it now, but I just did what the adult said.

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oo god I picked up this oil burner and didn't realise the bit where you put the oil in would fall off and it did! and smashed! It didn't help that my friend was calling my name so i could look at what she was trying on so I put the oil burner back on the shelf to look and so it looked as if I wasn't gonna say sorry or pay for it so the guy was like 'erm excuse me' so I had to pay £9 and he shoved the rest of the oil burner in a bag and uurgh I remember the way he looked vaguely uurgh ikky!

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Have you ever seen that bit on Adam and Joe where they go into a shop just to smash things and see how the shop owner reacts? My god it's hilarious. I love those two.

Ok, so I didn't find it, but I did find something else topical:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Haha that's brilliant =P

I like that everyone gets so mad about something that's clearly a joke =P

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but technically he was stealing lol free bit

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I know but when those guys just start yelling insults at them haha, they probably paid up straight after

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