what the HECK just happened?!?

I have sucsessfuly learned both versions of the hare hare yukai dance... (mikuru YAY)

but my problem is... I am perfectly fine at it in my room or with my best friend who also loves anime... but when i slept over at my dads house the other day (he also loves anime)

he asked what i had been up to so I told him i was learning the dance with my friend and her sister so we could perform it in frount of everyone at my birthday party on the 16th of July...

he asked to see. it was only him and his girlfriend that were going to watch because my brothers and half brother were asleep upstairs it was pretty late.

i tried not to look at them and concentrate on the music that came from the youtube video
(so i wouldnt look like a doosh dancing with no music..)

i tried my best... i kept making mistakes i felt so embarresed but it was wierd because i am always so comftable around them.

i know i was rubbish so when it was done i fell done into that classic anime pose where your heaad is down and your legs are together then split at the side.

my dad said i was good. i wasnt.

its now my birthday in 6 days.

im worried im going to fall down on stage. (going to metro afterwards to perform for millions...of...people... in cosplay...)

i dont want to let my friends down by backing out at the last minute its to late!!!!

we already booked at shopping center


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8 replies since 10th July 2011 • Last reply 10th July 2011

I don't know anything about anime, but I do know that sometimes it is more difficult to perform in front of a small group of people when compared to a large group. With a large group you are able to view the audience as a whole and not focus on any particular person, this always made it easier for me. When you are in front of only a few people, esp. people who's opinion you really value you will most likely be focused on their response and won't be able to just forget about them and enjoy your performance like you could with a large audience.
Remember how much you have practiced and how proud you are when you preform. Good luck, I hope you don't give up!

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that helped Happy

i have been waiting at keybord for ages for someone to reply Happy

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I studied theatre for a long while and what one of my teachers used to say was: make convinced mistakes, and nobody is going to notice.

What she basically meant was: once you're on stage, and you make a mistake, you don't have to say you're sorry, start over, make funny faces, blush, feel you're a failure or stuff like that: just go ahead. Even if everybody else in your group is moving together and you're the only one out of sync, if you keep it convinced it will give people the feeling that it was meant to be that way.

I don't know if I made myself clear because it's really late, but the point is: nobody is going to know you made a mistake if you don't tell them. It's your birthday, so if you make any mistakes at all and people ask you what happened, you can easily tell everybody that the dance you made was your personal interpretation of the hare hare yukai. You'll see, some people will even tell you they prefer you version! ;)

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I remember when I was practicing the Hare Hare Yukai and performed it in front of my friends for the first time. I made mistakes too, but the important thing was to keep going like Mary says. After a while, I didn't even care about the people and just did the dance for the fun of it. It may be hard to do at first, but just remember that you're performing for fun Happy

By the way, which part are you doing--Haruhi's, Mikuru's, or Yuki's?

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I have always found it easier to do anything in front of a group of strangers whom I may never see again and whose opinion I couldn't give a fig for than I have small groups of friends or relatives. These are people you will see on a daily or at least regular basis and whose opinions matter to you. It may help to practice practice practice so that it becomes muscle memory and you can trot off in your head to a much more pleasant place than standing in front of all those folks Happy

Good luck at the cosplay and, most importantly, have fun!

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They do say a bad rehearsal means a good performance!
Just try not to dwell on this experience - YOU know you can do it so go for it!

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thankyou thankyou thankyou for the great advice everyone!!!!

I took everyones advice and told them that the performance mght not be spot on because its my version Happy

P.S 5 days to go i will definatily post the video up on here Happy

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thankyou thankyou thankyou for the great advice everyone!!!!

I took everyones advice and told them that the performance mght not be spot on because its my version Happy

P.S 5 days to go i will definatily post the video up on here Happy

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