Air Force spouse and mother of a beautiful young woman, I enjoy making jewelry from discarded or unusual objects. I find more joy in learning something new than perfecting something old - a fault I blame on the fairies as it couldn't possibly be my own. Halloween is the best holiday ever and I lean more towards exceedingly scary than cute and count our decorating success by the number of kids who won't dare enter our yard. This is a main reason I buy only candy I'm willing to eat.
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- followed bindiibabe 25 Sep 18:44
- followed kiddo 23 Sep 16:15
- followed Sally M. 08 Sep 14:48
- commented on her comment Hmm...I'd never have thought of using boiling water. I've always used a heat gun but that can be tricky. Might have to give that a try! to How To Prepare And Flatten Bottle Caps For Crafting Projects 05 Sep 00:58
- commented on her comment Thank you! :) to Bullet Cuff Links 02 Sep 06:04
- followed Scharminkeltje 31 Aug 11:24
- commented on her comment What a cute idea! I'm gonna have to scare up some thimbles now :D to Thimble Flower Necklace 26 Aug 23:06
- followed Jenny 30 Jul 23:39
- followed Essex Debs 29 Jul 01:22
- followed Wilhelmina T. 29 Jul 01:16
- commented on her comment Darn you! I already have too many projects I want to try and now you give me this one!! grrr... lol I have ideas zipping around my little head *runs off cackling madly* to Hawai'ian Ribbon Lei 25 Jul 04:36
- commented on her comment Love love love this idea! Deployments are so hard on kids (my hubby is set to retire early next year so I totally understand) and this is such a nifty idea! Wonderful :) to Revoluzzzionary Monster 17 Jul 16:36