Divorce sucks!

Even when it's not yours! My mom and dad are getting a divorce and it's driving me crazy! My mom is pretty sick, and has a hard time keeping a job due to cronic sickness, and things like money and stuff are being duked out in court, it pretty much sucks. My mom didn't want the divorce so it's particularly emotional on that end. But my main source for this rant is I have a cell phone plan in my name and my mom, dad, sister, and husband are all on the plan and my Lovely father is trying to use my plan as leverage in the divorce! It's pretty frustrating because I love both my parents alot, but have more compassion for my mom's side of the situation. He won't even call/contact me about the cell plan, just sends money every month -_-; It's all pretty frustrating. I can't wait for this divorce to be over! It's not good to be stressed and 38 weeks pregnant.

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7 replies since 28th April 2011 • Last reply 28th April 2011

No offense, but your dad sounds like an arse. If my mom and dad wanted a divorce after their 22+ years and 2 kids together, I'd slap them both into shape. You should do the same to your father. What part of "through sickness and health" didn't click to him?

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I honestly don't know. They've been married for 25 years, and three kids! He left her for another women...which is stupid because my mom rocks!

He does need a swift kick -_-;

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Wow, that's just awful! Both my parents kick ass and I wouldn't want them to be apart.

I'm guessing this is all past the point where your dad could be reasoned with, eh?

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I'm sorry Cassie. Divorces suck at any age. Your situation reminds me of what happened to a friend of mine in highschool. Her dad (who's a douche) picked her up after school and drove a couple blocks away from the school, pulled over, and said "You're mother and I are getting a divorce." Then after a few minutes he drove her to her grandparents house (his side) and dropped her off. They already knew what was going to happen so they were waiting for her. He then went home and told his wife he wanted a divorce! She was the last one to know! Who blindsides their kid just to drop them off to tell their spouse later? An ass that's who!

As for my family, my parents are still together after 30 years of marriage but to be honnest I kind of want them to split up. My dad's an ass who makes every situation more uncomfortable and unpleasant with his "lovely" attitude. I think the best thing for all of us would be to be rid of him. It's to the point where I think they're only together out of habbit. They use to have a love/hate relationship now it's looking more like hate/hate but its for them to decide.

So to sum up my very long post, I can't say I know what you're goving through because I really dont. I can say, however, that I've been very close to people who have gone through a nasty divorce and it does get better. Once the thing is final and everything is said and done it will cool off and everyone will start getting back into the swing of things.

I hope you're well and congrats and good luck with your baby!

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I can't wait till it's final. It's really killing my mom, she's going crazy, me and my sisters have actually thought about committing her because of how worried we are. But it hasn't gone that far yet, every time we think it's going to be over he drags something else -_-; Ugh Thanks for all the reassurance! It's good to hear about an end being in site!

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I can't wait till it's final. It's really killing my mom, she's going crazy, me and my sisters have actually thought about committing her because of how worried we are. But it hasn't gone that far yet, every time we think it's going to be over he drags something else -_-; Ugh Thanks for all the reassurance! It's good to hear about an end being in site!

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It's really horrible when parents get divorced.. All advice I can give is don't pick sides, it seems as if that's what your dad wants so don't do it. Help and support your mother, but stay out of most of the divorce issues, you don't need the extra stress during your last few weeks of pregnancy. Hope everything goes well..

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