Am I some kind of mediator for relationships or something?

My fiance and I have a friend who recently broke up with his girlfriend who was way too obsessed with him and it eventually got to the point where she wanted to get a restraining order against HIM because he got a job at the same place she did before she did.

Now he's got a new girlfriend who does nothing but message me on Facebook to get ME to find out where he is when he isn't with me, my fiance, or his other friends. Honestly, as long as he's not drinking and driving, I don't care where he is because he doesn't have a car anymore... he walks to work and his friends always pick him up if they live out of walking distance.

It's driving me insane that his girlfriend, who's 4 years younger than he is, is just so crazy and obsessed with where he is at all times. She texts him and calls him and gets no answer on days when he works, then she wants me to text him to see where he is. She's always whining about how she can't trust him and how she's found him with another girl... but it's none of my business so I just don't care.

Gah, I just want her to leave me alone and solve her own problems... When I was her age, I didn't go gaga over my boyfriend and ask all his friends where he was when we weren't talking. Sheesh. I'm not Dr. Phil or whoever. I'm not the best to talk to about high school relationships. It's getting on my nerves >.<

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6 replies since 1st May 2011 • Last reply 1st May 2011

I would keep repeating the same line to her every time she calls until she gets the point. "I'm sorry I'm bonking your boyfriend right now" ought to do it.

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Hah! Today he was actually hanging out with one of his other friends. She thought he was cheating on her, but he called my fiance today to ask him a rules question about a game.
I'm just going to tell her that he's busy enjoying life before he gets deployed.

She needs to step back and chill out.

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some girls are insane. They don't realize that holding on too tightly to someone causes them to slip through your fingers.

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Indeed. She happens to be one of them.

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yup, she has trust issues. my ex's friend had a girlfriend like that, drove me nuts. I told her that I didn't give a Sh*t about their relationship, so leave me alone. I though he was wayyy better off alone then in a relationship with her.

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Yeah. I mean, he just turned 20 in November, he does a lot of stupid stuff, but as long as I don't have to be involved in it, I don't care what happens.

She's 16 and seems to think that everyone's against her and that he's trying to ignore her. I would try to ignore her, too, if she tried to call me while I was working or doing something with other friends.

If she tries to talk to me about him again, I'm just gonna tell her to bug off--I'm not here to fix messy high school girls' obsessions.

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