Swap And Post Office Rant

Okay, so I joined the Valentine's Swap this year and my partner was keeping good contact all the time. That is, until after I had already sent out. She said she will send the next day, then I never heard from her again. I have her on facebook, and when I try to talk to her she ignores me. She even put a teaser for the swap on facebook. It also does not look like she has been active on the site since february when I last heard from her, but she is on facebook almost every day.

Then, earlier this week, I got a slip to collect a package at the Post Office, so I thought maybe she did send out. I went to the Post Office and it turned out to be my package I sent her, which was uncollected and returned to me. Today it is exactly 3 months ago that I sent it. I'm not even gonna bother sending it again because I don't think she ever did send me anything. It just makes me so angry that this happened. Now I don't know what to say about this swap in my list of swaps I've done, because technically I did complete it, she flaked out and my package never got collected and was returned. What now?

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11 replies since 1st May 2011 • Last reply 1st May 2011

Just add after the name of the swap (sent out, not collected and returned to me)
Because you've completed your part and you're not to blame! You didn't do anything wrong. She's the Flaker and not you!

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Wow, that's a pretty snobby thing to do!

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bleh how rude! I cant believe some people. I would totally put that you completed the swap but got flaked on. Atleast the package came back to you, and she didn make off with it, lol. I dont understand people who flake. I doesnt make sence, because if there is a ligitimate reason they can do the swap, idk why they dont just tell us. I would totally understand it someone had to cancel on me. As long as they told me up front. Dont forget to do the swap review for tha swap, so everyone else knows what kinda partner she is. Sorry you got flaked on Happy

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I agree with what Pam said to do. It's unfair that you put out a lot of time and effort (and shipping costs!) just to have your swap partner ignore you on here, on Facebook, and through the mail.

I've never done a swap through here before--just back and forth with some pen pals... but at least when I talk to them on Facebook they talk back to me so we both know what's going on. One time, my best penpal who's also been my best online friend since I was a teenager, hadn't written back to me in over a month and I couldn't get a hold of her on Facebook... a couple weeks after that, she was back and she had gotten surgery because she was sick. That is something I can understand as a reason for someone to not send something of their own back, but sitting on Facebook chatting with other people and ignoring you is just wrong.

But, snobby people usually don't come out ahead in life... so there's that!

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that is rude, I would unfriend her on facebook too

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people are just rude, like she has no real reason to ignor you she should just be straight up..

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wow, I hate that happened.Iv been there and it sucks Happy

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I hate that happening! The same thing happened to me too, but the thing I could not understand was that she was still posting projects, and even "how to's" with loads of pictures in this site, whilst ignoring my messages!!!
I just don't understand some people....it's better just to contact the partner and say I can't manage to complete the swap, or something like that, than to mess people about.

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Wow Nora, that's horrible of them. I can't understand why people do things like that to others..

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That was the time I had FOUR swap packages ready to send and no-one to send them to! the other three were new to the site, and just disappeared without a trace, but somehow that wasn't as bad ( although annoying enough!)
My new year's resolution was to only do one swap at a time so this doesn't happen again.

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Mine used the excuse that she tried to contact me ,and they kept bouncing back, well I am getting mail from others at BOTH e-mails,then she said she mailed it out but I have not gotten it, she DID get an e-mail through last week stating its on its way BUT if the mail loses it to let her know. That makes me think she never even mailed it Happy
when I tried talking to the head lady she was turning things on it being my fault , saying her e-mails are bouncing back, well then how come she had 2 to get through.
If they cant do it or dont want to they should not sign up for it

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