
I am seriously sick. I was fine yesterday and then I went to bed last night and every time I turned over I would wake up and feel like I was going to throw up. Then this morning I did- so much so that I actually chocked on it twice (gross).

What makes matters worse is that I don't have any insurance and am not currently working so if I wanted to see a doctor I'd have to go to a free health clinic and all of those are in the really bad parts of town and I only live in the kinda bad part of town.

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9 replies since 8th December 2010 • Last reply 8th December 2010

PinkWeeds sorry to hear that you are sick!! Have you had any take-away food or anything? The only thing I can suggest is give yourself around 24 hours, try not to eat anything and if you HAVE to -- avoid dairy, try stick to dry food like toast or crackers.

If it doesn't clear 24 hours after you're strict with yourself (food wise) then think about maybe seeing a doctor. I know it's in a bad part of town -- so make sure you protect yourself -- but if it becomes violently bad then it's better to see a doctor then continue to suffer.

I hope you get all better without having to see a doctor.

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Hi PinkWeeds. Lolly is right. Reduce your intake of foods apart from bland ones. Make sure you have plenty of clear fluids like water or diluted juice. It could be any mumber of things,food poisoning among others. If you have had a cold recently it may be gastric flu where the lining of your gut becomes inflamed. It could take 3 - 7 days to feel totally better. Keep wrapped up warm and rest. Hope you feel better soon Happy

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That's what my original thought was -- food poisoning -- which was why I asked if she'd had take away and told her to try not to eat.

I remember having food poisoning ¬_¬ I can only assume you've had it before but it really is awful. Although I hope it is, because you should be better within 24-48 hours.

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I thought about that-I ate out the other day and took home the left overs that I ate yesterday (actually the last thing I ate yesterday) I did finally break down and eat a piece of toast about an hour ago and I'm feeling alright right now.

My reason for thinking it might be the flu is because my mum has had the same issue for the past couple of weeks. and it's been running through our family.

And I have actually had some strain of cold. I've been very mucusy lately. Pretty much sucks because I've had the whole cold, mucus, cough thing that's made me sound like crap. Every time my boyfriend has talked to me this week he's said I sounded sick. Then I got hit with my monthly bill and on top of that I get sick this morning/last night. So who knows. I guess it could be anything at this point. I keep trying this "mind over matter" thing and keep thinking that I'm not sick- we'll see if that works. Happy

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LOL well I'm glad you feel a little better. Oh right I see, well give it a little longer if that's what you want but if it doesn't get better then you might have to take yourself to a doctors!!

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Ew sounds like what Im getting over.
it started at a sore throat/sinus problem then progressed to a full on body flu for 2 days the mucus in my sinus went down my throat and is now being coughed up. The mucus made me nauseous

I seriously hope for your sake you DO NOT have this stupid thing. my hubby gave it to me during thanksgiving and it just takes FOREVER to go away. If you feel like this I would suggest decongestant and LOTS of fluid. NyQuil and Mucinex are the best!

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Well I felt fine all day yesterday except I couldn't eat more than a quarter of what I would normally eat. I would take two bites of something and be like "blah" even though my stomach said it was hungry and time to eat. We'll see how today goes but so far it hasn't been much better on the eating front.

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It sounds like you have the flu to me. It's been going on around here too. My brothers girlfriend just got over it. It just popped out of nowhere, when she came to our house last week, and she was stuck here throwing-up for 2 days before she was well enough to even go home. I think she was sick for 5 days. :/
If u have the flu, theres nothing a doctor will do for u really if u went to them.

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, even if u just puke it up again. And stay warm, and try eat somethin (like everyone else said) if u can. Soup might be good too. IT's pretty awful, i hope u get better. Happy

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Yep sounds like a flu thing. Glad you have been able to eat something even if it's not your usual amount. It's one of those things that gets better with time and rest. I don't get messages from my body to eat anymore as my nervous system is damaged. My phone alarm is set for meals...Lol

Hope you are feeling better soon Happy

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