Retarded shop owners =\

22 replies since 27th October 2010 • Last reply 27th October 2010

ahh creepy old guys. I hate em. Most stores make you push sales and follow people around. I hate that

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sometimes when i go into a shop with my friends and we're in school uniform, the salesperson either watches us or makes us leave our bags at the counter or checks our bags. they tell us it's store policy, but then someone in normal clothes walks in with a bag and it's fine.

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It's been happening to me since I was 16 (I'm almost 23 now). I went to Macy's to buy some makeup and the saleswoman looked rightover me to the woman who came to the counter after me. I stood there for 10 minutes before she even helped me! Then she was so rude that I just told her to forget it. It's been 5 years and I haven't been back.

When I was working at a Walmart I had the security guy follow me around the store when I was on my lunch. He followed me into the back room and told me I couldn't be back there until I clocked back in. You should have seen how red he turned!!

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So I work in a shop right now that has secret shops done to see our preformace in the store. I'll run you down what we have to do with each and every customer.

With in 15 seconds of someone entering the store we have to greet them, offer a sample (it is a chocolate shop), ask if we can help them find anything. Then we either help them find what ever they ask for or don't if they don't ask. When they come to the counter we then have to; Ask to see if they want anything else (the store always wants us to up sell), ask if they need their receit, have a card with us and do they need a bag for their goods.

I try a leave people alone after the first greeting if they have the face of 'this is me being polite I just want to look at things' and a lot of customers tend to say ' I am just looking'. Which is really awesome, 'cause then I don't have to be a dick pestering them for ever.

With being followed around stores or malls I don't think I've had that experiance but I have gotten stares and I know some older people or people in posh stores have looked down on me. I just want to say, 'Hey jerk, guess what? I have a job and a visa and money. Which is worth the same as that middle age person in suit. So bite me Im going to a store that is nice to me.' I have found out that just pretending like you belong and even just faking confindence really helps with getting rid of people looking down or judgeing you in stores.

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Happens to me all the time, I hate going into small shops for that reason - but i can't resist the stuff they sell lol! They're annoying aswell in places like Superdrug - so annoying!

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Yes--the key is to act like you totally belong there--and if they are rude, act as if THEY are the ones who are imposing--because they are!!! Sometimes it's the only way that people get the idea.

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I once went into a very expensive exclusive shop wearing jeans, biker boots, t-shirt and leather jacket. I walked to a counter selling make up and the snooty manager walked away from me to serve the 'well dressed' lady who arrived after me.
The other sales girl, who was treated like an underdog who usually got customers who didn't really want a sale served me. She was lovely and polite. I bought over £300 of products and the so called 'well dressed' lady didn't buy anything.
As this shop worked on commisssion sales I bet the snooty manager was really p*ssed off!!!!
Never judge a book by it's cover springs to mind.....Lol

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haha that's awesome @ Sheila

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