I am sick of throwing up even when I have nothing to throw up. Blech!
Oi my first melt down in progress in awhile. Just donno whats wrong with me, I feel so depressed and feel like I am going to burst into tears. Gah!!! Go away evil little blue bug.
It could be I was sick last week and gotten nothing accomplished, also didnt help that my old myspace was hacked into and I had to delete it after having it for almost 3 years. I am going to be 30 next month and I feel like I have not reached my goal career wise, and Matthew gets deployed in two months as well.
But even with all that before I was able to manage my stress levels...now its like any second I am going to go KABOOOOOM!!!!
sAVE me *sniffles*
You need it...as long as I'm not at work...i'm here if you need to talk
I woke up at 7.30 and I couldn't get back to sleep :/
about the politicians...
somebody mentioned how they think that swine flu was blown up so the expensive scandals could be kept quiet...intereeesting...
my friend hasnt got back to me about going seeing the band Spinnerette...I don't understand, hes not avoiding me because hes like my best friend so he would be able to tell me if he couldn't go, i can't really afford it either, I'd just wait till next time but it's really annoying me that he hasn't replied to my facebook messages or texts...I hope nothing bad has happened.
I wish I knew what was wrong with me, I hate being so tired all the time
I know what is wrong with me. Get this baby out!!!
And I ordered my computer like 2 weeks ago, I want it now now in 2 more weeks! I want to see my hubby's face and hear his voice.
I know you do! I can't wait to see the little man!
me either. I wonder what he will look like? Gray is dark blonde with grey eyes, and fair skin. Liam is light blonde with hazel eyes, and fair skin. I'm hoping my native american pops out and he has tan skin with Green eyes, and black hair!
ooh that would be amazing, I hope when I have childern my native comes out in him or her, but they would probly be blond with blue eyes and fair skin
but what if your ancestors are from europe!? although I spose natives got with white residents? I don't really know native american history that well...
I am english, french, native
my boyfriend is Irish-Innu(natives from Northern Canada)
in him the irish is promint, in me its half and half, I have fair skin and light hair but Native features, the high cheekbones and stocky build
I'm Irish, German, and Native American. So yeah natives got with the whiteys lol. I am blonde fair skin with a few freckles, and blue, green, grey eyes with brown specs. I am like translucent. LOl unless I get sunburnt and then after that I tan. My cousins are all dark with brown curly hair!
its strange huh, my sister is dark, my dad is dark, my cousins are dark, I take after my moms side , ight skin
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