HAHAHA! Thanks Michelle!!! I passed....but the sleep would have been nice....now I have work tomorrow
i also want to wake up on time, danget!
lol, I want to feel good, not sick and tired all the time
I lost two stones off y engagment ring. darn it, I went to sleep and I woke up with two missing stones. I have a lifetime warrenty on it, so its ok. I can get it fixed, but I will not have my ring for two weeks
michelle that sucks!!!! [congrats though on married!]
my dad is getting married in hawaii on saturday, but its a small wedding and its only him and her. i think its upsetting my brother that hes getting remarried...
are you happy he is getting married? If he is happy, that is what should matter.
I think me and chad will be engaged for a long time, but that ok...I think it the commitment that matters to us
My rant for today is that I still don't know what I want to do in my life. I mean, I like my job.But its a job, not a career.
Oh I'm happy for him, and I'm glad he's found someone. But I just don't want my brother to get too upset about it.
I wish that I knew how to feel beautiful and have confidence in myself
sometimes I look in the mirror and think 'wow I look nice today' and then I'll catch my reflection while I'm out and just think 'uuurgh'. But I hate myself the most when I do embarrasing things or don't speak properly so people just sort of nod instead of answering me.
I have to write a letter and bla bla just to get some tax back. I filled a form in ages ago but nooo it can't be that simple. I need to get a p45 because shock horror! my last job didn't send me one!
arrrrrrrrrrgh, everythig happens at once. my gandmother is sick, chad may be going on strike(nurses union) I may have lupis, and tomoorow I have to take another 15 bus ride across the island, because I work on monday.....argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhh
that is NO FUN michelle!!!
i dont want to study for finals!!
make flash cards, it helps me
yeah i think i should
i have an essay due wednesday and im not even done with the first draft!
I have to work double shift and I am so tired
i cant wake up on time if my life depended on it
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