354 replies since 8th December 2008 • Last reply 8th December 2008

Uh Oh. Naughty Marines! LOL.

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kiddo, I gave up on men...and then chad came along...soetimes I wanna kill him, but thats a relationship

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I'm gonna be all controversial here and just say how much I love Tim...he drives me crazy so much of the time, and when we're both going through bad phases I know our relationship has been in jeopardy, but right now when I need him, he's here for me, giving me alcohol and drugs and cuddles.

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I know what you mean. There was a while about a month ago with Tim where we were both incredibly depressed, and we've talked about it since and we both thought about breaking up with the other person because we didn't feel like we were helping them. But we made it through it, and we both know we wouldn't have let it end there. I don't want Tim to go bald either, but I've promised I won't leave if he does =P

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I think I've pretty much hit rock bottom with guys, the guys I keep dating are to shy to even look at me, and the one guy that I MIGHT like (i dont like him right now) would never even look at me twice as more than a friend so I've given up on that.

Besides, I like being single for now. I can wait another 2 years.

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It's their age probably, infact at 14 at school most of the girls were taller and stuff than the boys. It wasn't long ago that they thought you all had cooties and other girl diseases. Or they're just shy.

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I didn't have a bf till I was 18. All they guys were scared of me, I was in taekwondo and was the bronze medalist in forms during highschool

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Yeh I was 17, about 4 months off 18 too. There was boys before but nothing proper.

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you know sometimes I wish men could read our minds

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Same here. Even though my guy is perfect for me, it'd be nice for him to be able to tap into my brain when I'm too sheepish or embarrassed or upset to tell him what's bothering me.

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that be awesome or better if we could read there minds

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or they could read ours

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i would like to read minds just to know what people think of me

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I don't think I would really care...

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well it depends because some people are really mean, and you may hurt your feelings

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