Avatar: The last Airbender

I am so very happy I gave this show a second chance. I wrote it off 2 years ago after 30 seconds.
Then fall of last year I saw an fight sequence from "Bato of the water tribe" and I was all $#%&@ this is 5 shades of awesome. Then proceeded to watch everything to catch up.

Anyone else a fan?

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7 replies since 9th January 2008 • Last reply 9th January 2008

I've cuaght a couple of episode but havent really found myself a fan. Posting here to let you know that it's supposedly getting the Holywood treatment and M. Night Shalayman is workingon it

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I am a le-fan.
The show has promise, and awesome fighting sequences.

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ahhh i just got into it a few weeks ago, then proceeded to watch every single episode on various websites. i am IN LOVE with the epicness of the plot.

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Nice! Fellow fans!

I heard about the movie. I hear it's for next year or something like that.
It has been a long time since an american produced show had an epic plot/ show with continuity/changing characters Last time I saw anything close was Gargoyles. I liked that show too but missed so much of it I got lost and stopped watching.

Right now I think Nickelodeon is screwing around with it. A friend of mine figures Nick has a 3 yr span they like their toons to run and after that they ditch them due to the attention span of their normal audience.
At the moment they aren't promoting a damn thing. No commercials, no announcement of when new eps air (they just do randomly) and they are airing them in other countries first. People are just going to download them when they show in Canada and not tune in to the network. Then nick can say, look it's not popular anymore....cancel it.

Also another sore point with Nick, the toys. WTF, no Katara. They made Sokka, two types of Aang, Zuko and a firenation soldier. They claim girls don't buy action figures. Way to promote a sterotype. Lets not make a toy of a capable teen girl...what will the parents say?

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ooooh M. Night Shaymalan is working on it???? YAYS

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Anyone catch the last episodes?

Le awesome.

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love it

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