What was the last movie you watched?

612 replies since 4th April 2007 • Last reply 4th April 2007

Oh Maya I'm glad it's not just me, I haven't read the book, I think I might.
I went to the Cinema last night and watched The Lovely Bones... (i think it's called) the one where the girl gets murdered and watches over her family. Itis different from the typical chick flick teen movie crapola!! it's not what I expected, though it is somewhat sad. Not a bad film at all!!!

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I'm dying to see The Lovely Bones!! I read the book this past summer. Last theatrical movie I watched was Wolfman, and I kinda want to see it again, and own it when it comes out on DVD!!! It's the best! (can you tell I'm a fan of werewolves?)
Chronologically, the last movie I watched was Law Abiding Citizen, on dvd. It's weird, and I kind of lost interest and got online instead of really paying attention. Same thing happened with Gamer, back in the Summer, except I just lost interest.

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Last movie.. hm.. I think it was Labyrinth.
After that though, I saw the last few minutes of 300. Happy

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Labyrinth with David Bowie?
If it was then, yay!
I watched the begining of Mars Attacks a couple of nights ago, then i feel asleep :$
Happy xx

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Yeah it was!
He's not good looking really, but in Labyrinth.. hot damn. -swoon-

I love Mars Attacks!, especially because it's Tim Burton. -snort-

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So that was Mrs Lundegard on the floor in there. And I guess that was your accomplice in the woodchipper. And three people in Breynard. And for what? For a little bit of money. There's more to life than a little money, you know. Don't you know that? And here you are. And it's a beautiful day. Well. I just don't understand.

Fargo <3

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Mars Attacks!

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I went to see Kick-ass last night. I really enjoyed it. It got a bit silly towards the end, but never stopped being awesome.

It's quite rude in places, and very violent. But it also manages to be really funny, nerdy, and a bit sweet too.

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went to the movies for the first time by myself, I'd never done that before. I was pissed off so I skipped school 2 days in a row. The first day I saw, "Shutter Island" (not bad) the next I saw, "The Crazies" (also not bad) I suggest going to the movies when you feel like it, alone or not!!

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I loved shutter island ...even tho i figured out the ending 10 min. into the movie. lol I love horror movies.

But the last movie i watched was "The lovely bones". Cried my eyes out, & i havnt cried in a movie in forever. Damn good. But i think i just cried b/c i read the book yrs ago, & it impacted me all over again.

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I go to movies alone. Its fun

watching Just wright

and Shreck 3

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Mean Girls

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the killers and sex and the city II

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Repo! The Genetic Opera (during the week)
The Boat That Rocked (on friday night)

And I'm about to go for a mini Twilight fest, hehehe...

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its pretty good

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