Who's your role model?

Mine is Bindi Irwin even though she is younger than me. She's so intelligent and doesn't care about fame, she just loves animals. She's so confident as well. A very level-headed young girl. She's mighty brave too- getting up close to all those animals and staying strong when her Dad died. GO BINDI, YOU ROCK!

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12 replies since 6th March 2008 • Last reply 6th March 2008

Oh yeh she's ace!

I don't really have any role models anymore well actually Brody Dalle, Melissa Auf der Maur, Josh Homme (musicians), my mum Happy

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david bowie oh and axel rose (he's my female role model)

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Dita Von Teese. She's beautiful, confident and has been through a fair amount but is still wonderful.

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Selena Gomez: She's practically the only star that hasn't gone bad and her Mexican heritage didn't stop her from living her dream!

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Vera Brittain, brilliant, brilliant woman.

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I adore Andy Warhol but his probly not a good role model...I know you can be my role model shiv Tongue

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My Mom Is My Role Model

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im not sure if im spelling her name right which is bad you should at least be able to spell your role models name right sheesh
kimora lee simmons
shes beautiful , rich , a great mom who spoils her kids , powerful ,ambitous , independent ,and on top of her game
umm did i leave one out Happy

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Everyone. I learn a little bit from each person I meet. Sometimes bad stuff sometimes good. Sounds kinda cheesy doesn't it? Oh well, that's me. (=

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did you know that she has a doll out and when you buy one she sends so much of the proceeds to wildlife orginizations

if you like andy warhol you should read a little auyobiography called EDIE
i met this old hippi bum in mcdonalds one day and he told me her and andy are the reason why i have my lip peirced twice and my hair the way it is lol
so i took it homer and read it after the first few chapters about the sedgewick pie it gets pretty interesting theirs alot of neat things about andy in their too
although you may or may not change your opinion of him after reading it
theirs also a movie based on the book called FACTORY GIRL

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OMG, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! WHY CAN'T YOU GO TO MY FRIGGIN SCHOOL?! Is it just that the entire craft community is filled with amazing people, or what? Does this site in particular just attact awesome?

NOONE around me knows anything about dita von teese, or Andy Warhol [except a few kids in art class.. but they are all REALLY pretensious], or anybody that I love.

For me, Mohatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Tura Satana, Sidartha Guitama, Iggy Pop [minus the whole druggy crazy guy... mostly the be as crazy as you feel and don't give a damn], Betty paige, Peter Max, Oscar Wilde, Marilyn Manson, Edgar Allan Poe.... AND THOSE WHO CAN MAKE A DECISION! lol

There are SO MANY AMAZING people that have lived... and this is the SHORT list.. lol.

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wooah Dis! it's not culture central here but loads of people I know know of Warhol or at least Dita!! I don't get people who are artists or like art but are really prentencious, its not the point of art lol. Iggy Pop <3

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