I planted a sprouting onion!

I found two sprouting onions in my fridge today, so I stuck one in a planter I had. It's pretty cute!!!! hope it grow realll big.

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13 replies since 11th March 2008 • Last reply 11th March 2008

Does that work with sprouting potatoes? lol (yes I know potatoes are a root!) uuurgh I hate the little sprouts that come out of potatoes!

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the potato ones are kindda creepy. And the WORST SMELL IN THE WORLD IS ROTTEN potatoes.

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not TAG? or rotten eggs?

hm ive never smelled rotten potatoes..................

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I had sprouting garlic, would you be able to plant that?

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i think you can, but like with the onion, it wont make more onion, it just grows into a plant and has a flowering something or other come out of it, but not like new produce. hahah

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My mum and dad grow all sorts of vegetables and things. They grew garlic Cat- just by planting cloves of garlic in the ground. We got loads.

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we grew potatoes once when we had a 20kg bag go bad when we went out of town. We got so many potatoes out of the ground, than the frost came and ruined them all. Damn this cold Canadian weather.

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I read a while back that once a clove of garlic starts sprouting you shouldn't eat it... I'm gonna go research that again.

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I love garlic, how come cloves are white and then its green on garlic bread, does cooking it make it grow green or is it fake aditive garlic? I'm really bad about food and cooking! I coudn't really imagine this plant with a load of onions hanging off it are they roots like potatos? How weird is food.

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I would be very interested in knowing if you shouldnt eat it or if its ok.. We have had them sprout all the time

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This is what I got on the Garlic Store site http://www.thegarlicstore.com/index.cgi/cookingprep.htm

" the garlic is still good for cooking as long as you take the sprout out and discard it"

I must have misread that item before lol

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The bit of the garlic that we eat is the bulb, like a tulip bulb... It's the root.

They have pretty flowers Happy

Also the green in garlic bread comes from the extra herbs they add to it, not that you can taste them. They just put them there to assure you that it will taste of garlic, which is ridiculous. "Here, have something non garlicy just to make you feel like there is garlic here."

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garlic is soo good, i love it.

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