Weird things about yourself...
I talk to the PC as well Rawr. Rawr. x! I think it happenes when you get into the game so much. hahaha My friend thinks I'm crazy when I do it but w/e.
Lo, my friends even recorded me once and when I watched it I thought omg I can't believe I do that.. I don't even realise that I talk to the computer, it just happens.. Haha
I like odd smells~I love the smell of my husbands BO, the less he showers the better he smells~im with Dark Ash Hurts, I like a dirty grungy, grizzly looking men! Rob Zombie perhaps?
i love the smell of gas, stinky cheeses, moss and permanent markers, the weirder the smell, the more i have to smell it
i only buy things in odd numbers
i love to pick anything, scabs, burns, zits, till they bleed
i think scars are sexy
i only shave the lower part of my legs, but i never shave my pits
i use 3 set covers in a public restroom, if i have use a public restroom at all! Id rather drop and go behind a bush
I have massivly annoying and strange habbits
[1] I talk to myself a lot of the time(&reply back)
[2] I click my toes instead of my fingers (constantly)
[3] I have random outbursts of singing
[4] I have major OCD for checking hairs on EVERYTHING lol
[5] When i get really angry my east end accent comes out haha
[6] I laugh at things i really shouldn't laugh at :')
I don't consider myself human. Even though I know I have a human body. I have a sever superiority complex.
one minute I can throw all my clothes on the floor and not care how messy my room is, then the next I'm freaking out and going OCD. it's probably quite funny to watch- last time it happened I took all the clothes out of my closet and had to re-organize them. I had trouble deciding on whether to order them by color or type of shirt.
oh, and I'm super artistic and into theatre, dance, and sewing, but I'm great at biology.
conflicting personalities? I think so
I have a pathological fear of hairdressers...I can't get my hair cut above shoulder level, because i can't stand scissors cutting anywhere near my head, or ears, it makes me cringe!
I can't wear yellow, it makes me feel sick!
I worked as a research microbiologist, but shortly after I qualified, I was offered a job in the costume department of the Scottish Theatre Ballet...I decided not to take it and stick to my steady job, but sometimes wonder if I made the right decision?
Ooooh I just remembered one. I hate the feeling of touching velvets, velours and suade made objects. It makes me feel really funny :S I just HATE the stuff.............
A weird thing about me?
I used to be TERRIFIED of Thomas the Tank Engine!
Whenever it came on TV i was a wreck, then one day i jsut sat down and watched it!
I can fit 9 quarters inside my belly button.
I am allergic to most deodorants, so instead, i rub rock salt ino my armpits... not sure where the idea came from but it works!
I have never driven a car (i'm 27 and scared to death of driving)
I used to have an almighty crush on Postman Pat
I can't eat unless i'm using MY OWN fork. I take it everywhere with me, we've even been thrown out of a restaurant because i refused to use their forks.
If i touch velvet or other napped fabrics, i have a panic attack and lick my hands until the velvetty feelin goes away.
i like to comment on how my right hand fingers are thicker than my left.............
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